

Factory - Creates objects without exposing the instantiation logic to the client and Refers to the newly created object through a common interface. Is a simplified version of Factory Method Factory Method - Defines an interface for creating objects, but let subclasses to decide which class to instantiate and Refers to the newly created object through a common interface. Abstract Factory - Offers the interface for creating a family of related objects, without explicitly specifying their classes.



这三种模式之间有什么不同? 什么时候用哪个? 如果可能的话,还有与这些模式相关的java示例吗?



There are two common ways to parameterize a system by the classes of objects it creates. One way is to subclass the class that creates the objects; this corresponds to using the Factory Method (107) pattern. The main drawback of this approach is that it can require a new subclass just to change the class of the product. Such changes can cascade. For example, when the product creator is itself created by a factory method, then you have to override its creator as well. The other way to parameterize a system relies more on object composition: Define an object that’s responsible for knowing the class of the product objects, and make it a parameter of the system. This is a key aspect of the Abstract Factory (87), Builder (97), and Prototype (117) patterns. All three involve creating a new “factory object” whose responsibility is to create product objects. Abstract Factory has the factory object producing objects of several classes. Builder has the factory object building a complex product incrementally using a correspondingly complex protocol. Prototype has the factory object building a product by copying a prototype object. In this case, the factory object and the prototype are the same object, because the prototype is responsible for returning the product.








Source of Confusion: Often, one can call a class that used in "Factory Method" pattern as "Factory". This class is abstract by definition. That's why it easy to call this class "Abstract Factory". But it's just the name of the class; you shouldn't confuse it with "Abstract Factory" pattern (class name != pattern name). The "Abstract Factory" pattern is different - it does not use an abstract class; it defines an interface (not necessarily a programming language interface) for creating parts of a bigger object or objects that are related to each other or must be created in a particular way.

AbstractProductA, A1 and A2 both implementing the AbstractProductA
AbstractProductB, B1 and B2 both implementing the AbstractProductB

interface Factory {
    AbstractProductA getProductA(); //Factory Method - generate A1/A2


interface AbstractFactory {
    AbstractProductA getProductA(); //Factory Method
    AbstractProductB getProductB(); //Factory Method

但是抽象工厂有不止一个工厂方法(例如:2个工厂方法),使用这些工厂方法它将创建对象/相关对象的集合。 使用抽象工厂,用户可以创建AbstractProductA, AbstractProductB的A1, B1对象




系统具有高分辨率显示和打印驱动程序 系统具有低分辨率显示和打印驱动程序



class ResourceFactory
    virtual AbstractPrintDriver getPrintDriver() = 0;

    virtual AbstractDisplayDriver getDisplayDriver() = 0;

class LowResFactory : public ResourceFactory
    AbstractPrintDriver getPrintDriver() override
        return LowResPrintDriver;

    AbstractDisplayDriver getDisplayDriver() override
        return LowResDisplayDriver;

class HighResFactory : public ResourceFactory
    AbstractPrintDriver getPrintDriver() override
        return HighResPrintDriver;

    AbstractDisplayDriver getDisplayDriver() override
        return HighResDisplayDriver;


class AbstractDisplayDriver
    virtual void draw() = 0;

class HighResDisplayDriver : public AbstractDisplayDriver
    void draw() override
        // do hardware accelerated high res drawing

class LowResDisplayDriver : public AbstractDisplayDriver
    void draw() override
        // do software drawing, low resolution



const resource_type = LOW_RESOLUTION;

if(resource_type == LOW_RESOLUTION)
else if(resource_type == HIGH_RESOLUTION)


    auto factory = HighResFactory;
    auto printDriver = factory.getPrintDriver();
    auto displayDriver = factory.getDisplayDriver();




附录:“四人帮”的例子也有类似的耦合。他们有一个MotifFactory和一个PMFactory。然后分别生成PMWindow, PMScrollBar和MotifWindow, MotifScrollBar。这是一个有点过时的文本,所以它可能很难理解上下文。我记得我读过这一章,从这个例子中除了有两个工厂基类的实现之外,我几乎没有理解什么,它们返回不同的对象族。


There are two common ways to parameterize a system by the classes of objects it creates. One way is to subclass the class that creates the objects; this corresponds to using the Factory Method (107) pattern. The main drawback of this approach is that it can require a new subclass just to change the class of the product. Such changes can cascade. For example, when the product creator is itself created by a factory method, then you have to override its creator as well. The other way to parameterize a system relies more on object composition: Define an object that’s responsible for knowing the class of the product objects, and make it a parameter of the system. This is a key aspect of the Abstract Factory (87), Builder (97), and Prototype (117) patterns. All three involve creating a new “factory object” whose responsibility is to create product objects. Abstract Factory has the factory object producing objects of several classes. Builder has the factory object building a complex product incrementally using a correspondingly complex protocol. Prototype has the factory object building a product by copying a prototype object. In this case, the factory object and the prototype are the same object, because the prototype is responsible for returning the product.

以下图片来自Vaskaran Sarcar的《c#设计模式》第二版:

1. 简单工厂模式


SimpleFactory simpleFactory = new SimpleFactory();
IAnimal dog = simpleFactory.CreateDog(); // Create dog
IAnimal tiger = simpleFactory.CreateTiger(); // Create tiger

2. 工厂方法模式


AnimalFactory dogFactory = new DogFactory(); 
IAnimal dog = dogFactory.CreateAnimal(); // Create dog

AnimalFactory tigerFactory = new TigerFactory();
IAnimal tiger = tigerFactory.CreateAnimal(); // Create tiger



IAnimalFactory petAnimalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory("pet");
IDog dog = petAnimalFactory.GetDog(); // Create pet dog
ITiger tiger = petAnimalFactory.GetTiger();  // Create pet tiger

IAnimalFactory wildAnimalFactory = FactoryProvider.GetAnimalFactory("wild");
IDog dog = wildAnimalFactory .GetDog(); // Create wild dog
ITiger tiger = wildAnimalFactory .GetTiger();  // Create wild tiger