





You should only use volatile if you completely understand what it does and how it differs to synchronized. In many situations volatile appears, on the surface, to be a simpler more performant alternative to synchronized, when often a better understanding of volatile would make clear that synchronized is the only option that would work. volatile doesn't actually work in a lot of older JVMs, although synchronized does. I remember seeing a document that referenced the various levels of support in different JVMs but unfortunately I can't find it now. Definitely look into it if you're using Java pre 1.5 or if you don't have control over the JVMs that your program will be running on.

…volatile修饰符保证任何读取字段的线程都能看到最近写入的值。——乔希·布洛赫 如果您正在考虑使用volatile,请仔细阅读java.util.concurrent包,它处理原子行为。 维基百科上关于单例模式的帖子显示了volatile的使用。

下面是一个非常简单的代码,演示了volatile for variable的需求,它用于从其他线程控制线程执行(这是需要volatile的一个场景)。

// Code to prove importance of 'volatile' when state of one thread is being mutated from another thread.
// Try running this class with and without 'volatile' for 'state' property of Task class.
public class VolatileTest {
    public static void main(String[] a) throws Exception {
        Task task = new Task();
        new Thread(task).start();

        long stoppedOn = System.nanoTime();

        task.stop(); // -----> do this to stop the thread

        System.out.println("Stopping on: " + stoppedOn);

class Task implements Runnable {
    // Try running with and without 'volatile' here
    private volatile boolean state = true;
    private int i = 0;

    public void stop() {
        state = false;

    public void run() {
        while(state) {
        System.out.println(i + "> Stopped on: " + System.nanoTime());

当不使用volatile时:即使在“stop on: xxx”之后,你也永远不会看到“Stopped on: xxx”消息,并且程序继续运行。

Stopping on: 1895303906650500

当使用volatile时:你会立即看到'Stopped on: xxx'。

Stopping on: 1895285647980000
324565439> Stopped on: 1895285648087300



并不是说您应该编写自己的线程,Java 1.6有很多不错的线程池。但是如果你确定你需要一个线程,你需要知道如何停止它。


public class Foo extends Thread {

  private volatile boolean close = false;

  public void run() {
    while(!close) {
      // do work
  public void close() {
    close = true;
    // interrupt here if needed



绝对是的。(不仅是Java, c#也是如此。)有时,您需要获取或设置一个值,该值保证是给定平台上的原子操作,例如int或boolean,但不需要线程锁定的开销。volatile关键字允许您确保在读取值时获得的是当前值,而不是在另一个线程上写入时被废弃的缓存值。