Imagine you have a single array, which you're presenting in two different ng-repeat's. One of those ng-repeat's is filtered for objects that have a truthy property, and the other is filtered for a falsy property. Two different filtered arrays are being presented, which derive from a single original array. (Or, if it helps to visualize: perhaps you have a single array of people, and you want one ng-repeat for the women in that array, and another for the men in that same array.) Your goal: delete reliably from the original array, using information from the members of the filtered arrays.
注意$$hashKey是一个实现细节,不包含在ng-repeat的已发布API中。他们可以在任何时候删除对该属性的支持。但可能不会。: -)
$scope.deleteFilteredItem = function(hashKey, sourceArray){
angular.forEach(sourceArray, function(obj, index){
// sourceArray is a reference to the original array passed to ng-repeat,
// rather than the filtered version.
// 1. compare the target object's hashKey to the current member of the iterable:
if (obj.$$hashKey === hashKey) {
// remove the matching item from the array
sourceArray.splice(index, 1);
// and exit the loop right away
ng-click="deleteFilteredItem(item.$$hashKey, refToSourceArray)"