c# 4.0引入了一种叫做“动态”的新类型。这听起来不错,但是程序员要用它来做什么呢?
c# 4.0引入了一种叫做“动态”的新类型。这听起来不错,但是程序员要用它来做什么呢?
The best use case of dynamic type variables for me was when, recently, I was writing a data access layer in ADO.NET (using SQLDataReader) and the code was invoking the already written legacy stored procedures. There are hundreds of those legacy stored procedures containing bulk of the business logic. My data access layer needed to return some sort of structured data to the business logic layer, C# based, to do some manipulations (although there are almost none). Every stored procedure returns different set of data (table columns). So instead of creating dozens of classes or structs to hold the returned data and pass it to the BLL, I wrote the below code which looks quite elegant and neat.
public static dynamic GetSomeData(ParameterDTO dto)
dynamic result = null;
string SPName = "a_legacy_stored_procedure";
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("my connection string"))
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SPName, connection);
command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empid", dto.EmpID));
command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@deptid", dto.DeptID));
using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
dynamic row = new ExpandoObject();
row.EmpName = reader["EmpFullName"].ToString();
row.DeptName = reader["DeptName"].ToString();
row.AnotherColumn = reader["AnotherColumn"].ToString();
result = row;
return result;
public class A
// attributes and constructor here
public virtual dynamic Clone()
var clone = new A();
// Do more cloning stuff here
return clone;
public class B : A
// more attributes and constructor here
public override dynamic Clone()
var clone = new B();
// Do more cloning stuff here
return clone;
public class Program
public static void Main()
A a = new A().Clone(); // No cast needed here
B b = new B().Clone(); // and here
// do more stuff with a and b
它使静态类型语言(CLR)更容易与运行在DLR(动态语言运行库)上的动态语言(python, ruby…)互操作,参见MSDN:
例如,您可以使用下面的代码来增加一个计数器 在XML和c#中。 Scriptobj。SetProperty("Count", ((int)GetProperty("Count")) + 1); 通过使用DLR,可以使用下面的代码来代替 同样的操作。 scriptobj。计数+= 1;
简化将动态语言移植到。net框架 在静态类型语言中启用动态特性 提供DLR和.NET框架的未来好处 启用库和对象的共享 提供快速动态分派和调用
dynamic关键字是c# 4.0的新特性,用于告诉编译器变量的类型可以改变,或者直到运行时才知道。可以认为它可以与对象交互,而不必强制转换对象。
dynamic cust = GetCustomer();
cust.FirstName = "foo"; // works as expected
cust.Process(); // works as expected
cust.MissingMethod(); // No method found!
注意,我们既不需要强制转换也不需要声明cust为Customer类型。因为我们将它声明为动态的,所以运行时将接管它,然后为我们搜索并设置FirstName属性。当然,当你使用动态变量时,你就放弃了编译器类型检查。这意味着调用cast . missingmethod()将被编译,直到运行时才会失败。这个操作的结果是一个RuntimeBinderException,因为MissingMethod没有在Customer类上定义。
dynamic foo = 123;
foo = "bar";
decimal foo = GetDecimalValue();
foo = foo / 2.5; // Does not compile
foo = Math.Sqrt(foo); // Does not compile
string bar = foo.ToString("c");
dynamic foo = GetDecimalValue(); // still returns a decimal
foo = foo / 2.5; // The runtime takes care of this for us
foo = Math.Sqrt(foo); // Again, the DLR works its magic
string bar = foo.ToString("c");