
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.


import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter'

然后,我尝试使用pip install tkinter(在虚拟环境中)安装“tkinter”,但它没有找到它:

Collecting tkinter
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tkinter (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for tkinter

我还应该提到,我是在使用虚拟环境的Pycharm Community Edition IDE上运行所有这些,并且我的操作系统是Linux/Ubuntu 18.04。




Python版本:3.7.7 平台:Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS

这是默认的python 3.6.9版本,但是我已经在上面安装了我自己的3.7.7版本的python(安装从源代码构建它)

即使帮助('module')在列表中显示Tkinter, Tkinter也没有工作。


Sudo apt-get install tk-dev。

重新构建python: 1. 导航到你的python文件夹并运行检查:

cd Python-3.7.7
sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations

使用make命令构建: Sudo make -j 8——这里8是处理器的数量,使用nproc命令检查你的。 安装使用: Sudo做altinstall

不要使用sudo make install,它会覆盖默认的3.6.9版本,以后可能会很乱。

现在查看tkinter Python3.7 -m tkinter



After upgrading lots of packages (Spyder 3 to 4, Keras and Tensorflow and lots of their dependencies), I had the same problem today! I cannot figure out what happened; but the (conda-based) virtual environment that kept using Spyder 3 did not have the problem. Although installing tkinter or changing the backend, via matplotlib.use('TkAgg) as shown above, or this nice post on how to change the backend, might well resolve the problem, I don't see these as rigid solutions. For me, uninstalling matplotlib and reinstalling it was magic and the problem was solved.

pip uninstall matplotlib

... 然后,安装

pip install matplotlib


在Mac OS上,我让它工作:

import matplotlib


%matplotlib inline


pip3 install PyQt5==5.9.2





注意windows防火墙!我把WSL Debian换成了Ubuntu,不记得防火墙规则了。 我用这篇文章来配置windows防火墙规则,使X服务器正常工作。这种方法避免了过于宽松的规则,使得任何人都可以使用你的X服务器。



You will now need to configure Windows Firewall to permit connections from WSL2 to the X11 display server. You will install the display server in the next step. We do this step first to avoid Windows Firewall from auto-creating an insecure firewall rule when you run the X11 display server. Many guides on X11 forwarding and WSL2 make this firewall rule too permissive, allowing connections from any computer to your computer. This means someone could theoretically, if they are on your same network, start sending graphical display information to your computer. To avoid this, we will make Windows Firewall only accept internet traffic from the WSL2 instance. To set this up, you can copy the below to a script and run it from within WSL2: #!/bin/sh LINUX_IP=$(ip addr | awk '/inet / && !/ {split($2,a,"/"); print a[1]}') WINDOWS_IP=$(ip route | awk '/^default/ {print $3}') # Elevate to administrator status then run netsh to add firewall rule powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process netsh.exe -ArgumentList \"advfirewall firewall add rule name=X11-Forwarding dir=in action=allow program=%ProgramFiles%\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe localip=$WINDOWS_IP remoteip=$LINUX_IP localport=6000 protocol=tcp\" -Verb RunAs"


Alternatively, you can manually add the rule through a GUI by doing the following: Open "Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security" Click add new rule brings up the New Rule Wizard (next to navigate between each section): Rule type: Custom Program: "This program path:" %ProgramFiles%\VcXsrv\vcxsrv.exe Protocol and ports Protocol type: TCP Local port: 6000 Remote port: any Scope Local IP address: Obtain the IP address to put in by running the below command in WSL2 ip route | awk '/^default/ {print $3}' remote IP addresses Obtain IP address to enter by running the below in WSL2 ip addr | awk '/inet / && !/ {split($2,a,"/"); print a[1]}' Action: "Allow the connection Profile: Selection Domain, Private, and Public Name: "X11 forwarding"