Memoization is a top-down approach during which you decompose a big problem into smaller-size subproblems with the same properties and when the size is small enough you can easily solve it by bruteforcing. Dynamic Programming is a bottom-up approach during which you firstly calculate the answer of small cases and then use them to construct the answer of big cases. During coding, usually memoization is implemented by recursion while dynamic programming does calculation by iteration. So if you have carefully calculate the space and time complexity of your algorithm, using dynamic-programming-style implementation can offer you better performance. There do exist situations where using memoization has advantages. Dynamic programming needs to calculate every subproblem because it doesn't know which one will be useful in the future. But memoization only calculate the subproblems related to the original problem. Sometimes you may design a DP algorithm with theoretically tremendous amount of dp status. But by careful analyses you find that only an acceptable amount of them will be used. In this situation it's preferred to use memoization to avoid huge execution time.
public class Solution {
public static long fibonacciMemoization(int i) {
return fibonacciMemoization(i, new long[i + 1]);
public static long fibonacciMemoization(int i, long[] memo) {
if (i <= 1) {
return 1;
if (memo[i] != 0) {
return memo[i];
long val = fibonacciMemoization(i - 1, memo) + fibonacciMemoization(i - 2, memo);
memo[i] = val;
return val;
public static long fibonacciDynamicPrograming(int i) {
if (i <= 1) {
return i;
long[] memo = new long[i + 1];
memo[0] = 1;
memo[1] = 1;
memo[2] = 2;
for (int j = 3; j <= i; j++) {
memo[j] = memo[j - 1] + memo[j - 2];
return memo[i];
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Fibonacci with Dynamic Programing");
System.out.println("Fibonacci with Memoization");
System.out.println(fibonacciMemoization(1_000_000)); //stackoverflow exception
If all subproblems must be solved at least once, a bottom-up dynamic-programming algorithm usually outperforms a top-down memoized algorithm by a constant factor No overhead for recursion and less overhead for maintaining table There are some problems for which the regular pattern of table accesses in the dynamic-programming algorithm can be exploited to reduce the time or space requirements even further If some subproblems in the subproblem space need not be solved at all, the memoized solution has the advantage of solving only those subproblems that are definitely required
维基百科:记忆,动态规划 相关SO Q/A:动态规划的记忆或制表方法
你正在爬楼梯。到达顶端需要n步。 每次你可以爬1或2级台阶。有多少不同的方式 你能爬到山顶吗?
public class Solution {
public int climbStairs(int n) {
int memo[] = new int[n + 1];
return climb_Stairs(0, n, memo);
public int climb_Stairs(int i, int n, int memo[]) {
if (i > n) {
return 0;
if (i == n) {
return 1;
if (memo[i] > 0) {
return memo[i];
memo[i] = climb_Stairs(i + 1, n, memo) + climb_Stairs(i + 2, n, memo);
return memo[i];
public class Solution {
public int climbStairs(int n) {
if (n == 1) {
return 1;
int[] dp = new int[n + 1];
dp[1] = 1;
dp[2] = 2;
for (int i = 3; i <= n; i++) {
dp[i] = dp[i - 1] + dp[i - 2];
return dp[n];
Memoization is a top-down approach during which you decompose a big problem into smaller-size subproblems with the same properties and when the size is small enough you can easily solve it by bruteforcing. Dynamic Programming is a bottom-up approach during which you firstly calculate the answer of small cases and then use them to construct the answer of big cases. During coding, usually memoization is implemented by recursion while dynamic programming does calculation by iteration. So if you have carefully calculate the space and time complexity of your algorithm, using dynamic-programming-style implementation can offer you better performance. There do exist situations where using memoization has advantages. Dynamic programming needs to calculate every subproblem because it doesn't know which one will be useful in the future. But memoization only calculate the subproblems related to the original problem. Sometimes you may design a DP algorithm with theoretically tremendous amount of dp status. But by careful analyses you find that only an acceptable amount of them will be used. In this situation it's preferred to use memoization to avoid huge execution time.
没有递归的开销,维护表的开销也更少。 表访问的规则模式可用于减少时间或空间需求。