header Cache-Control: max-age=0意味着内容被认为是过期的(必须立即重新获取),这实际上与Cache-Control: no-cache是一样的。


    When an intermediate cache is forced, by means of a max-age=0 directive, to revalidate 
its own cache entry, and the client has supplied its own validator in the request, the 
supplied validator might differ from the validator currently stored with the cache entry. 
In this case, the cache MAY use either validator in making its own request without 
affecting semantic transparency. 

    However, the choice of validator might affect performance. The best approach is for the 
intermediate cache to use its own validator when making its request. If the server replies 
with 304 (Not Modified), then the cache can return its now validated copy to the client 
with a 200 (OK) response. If the server replies with a new entity and cache validator, 
however, the intermediate cache can compare the returned validator with the one provided in 
the client's request, using the strong comparison function. If the client's validator is 
equal to the origin server's, then the intermediate cache simply returns 304 (Not 
Modified). Otherwise, it returns the new entity with a 200 (OK) response. 

    If a request includes the no-cache directive, it SHOULD NOT include min-fresh, 
max-stale, or max-age. 

礼貌:http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html # sec14.9.4



One thing that (surprisingly) hasn't been mentioned is that a request can explicitly indicate that it will accept stale data, using the max-stale directive. In that case, if the server responded with max-age=0, the cache would merely consider the response stale, and would be free to use it to satisfy the client's request [which asked for potentially-stale data]. By contrast, if the server sends no-cache that really does trump any request by the client (with max-stale) for stale data, as the cache MUST revalidate.

信息= 0


no - cache



大多数HTTP/1.0缓存不支持无缓存指令,所以 历史上max-age=0被用作一种变通方法。但只有 Max-age =0可能会导致在缓存时重用一个陈旧的响应 与源服务器断开连接。必须重新验证才能解决这个问题。 这就是为什么下面的例子等同于无缓存。 Cache-Control: max-age=0,必须重新验证 但是现在,您可以简单地使用无缓存代替。


It is often stated that the combination of max-age=0 and must-revalidate has the same meaning as no-cache. Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate max-age=0 means that the response is immediately stale, and must-revalidate means that it must not be reused without revalidation once it is stale — so in combination, the semantics seem to be the same as no-cache. However, that usage of max-age=0 is a remnant of the fact that many implementations prior to HTTP/1.1 were unable to handle the no-cache directive — and so to deal with that limitation, max-age=0 was used as a workaround. But now that HTTP/1.1-conformant servers are widely deployed, there's no reason to ever use that max-age=0-and-must-revalidate combination — you should instead just use no-cache.

在我最近使用IE8和Firefox 3.5进行的测试中,两者似乎都符合rfc。但是,它们对源服务器的“友好性”有所不同。IE8对待无缓存响应的语义与max-age=0相同,必须重新验证。然而,Firefox 3.5似乎将无缓存等同于无存储,这在性能和带宽使用方面都很糟糕。





    When an intermediate cache is forced, by means of a max-age=0 directive, to revalidate 
its own cache entry, and the client has supplied its own validator in the request, the 
supplied validator might differ from the validator currently stored with the cache entry. 
In this case, the cache MAY use either validator in making its own request without 
affecting semantic transparency. 

    However, the choice of validator might affect performance. The best approach is for the 
intermediate cache to use its own validator when making its request. If the server replies 
with 304 (Not Modified), then the cache can return its now validated copy to the client 
with a 200 (OK) response. If the server replies with a new entity and cache validator, 
however, the intermediate cache can compare the returned validator with the one provided in 
the client's request, using the strong comparison function. If the client's validator is 
equal to the origin server's, then the intermediate cache simply returns 304 (Not 
Modified). Otherwise, it returns the new entity with a 200 (OK) response. 

    If a request includes the no-cache directive, it SHOULD NOT include min-fresh, 
max-stale, or max-age. 

礼貌:http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html # sec14.9.4
