我理解lambdas和Func和Action委托。但表情 我头疼不已。
我理解lambdas和Func和Action委托。但表情 我头疼不已。
Mapping the code to a different environment (ie. C# code to SQL in Entity Framework) Replacing parts of the code in runtime (dynamic programming or even plain DRY techniques) Code validation (very useful when emulating scripting or when doing analysis) Serialization - expressions can be serialized rather easily and safely, delegates can't Strongly-typed safety on things that aren't inherently strongly-typed, and exploiting compiler checks even though you're doing dynamic calls in runtime (ASP.NET MVC 5 with Razor is a nice example)
Func<T> =一个刚被执行的委托/方法,仅此而已。 表达式<Func<T>> =转换为另一种形式。例如,LINQ to Entities表达式被转换为等效的SQL查询。
现在,还有另一个角度来处理IQueryable行为。建议您始终传递LINQ的Expression to Where或Count方法,以便您的查询过滤器在SQL server上运行,而不是在内存中提取数据然后进行过滤。
Func<T> is just a normal old-school MulticastDelegate; Expression<Func<T>> is a representation of lambda expression in form of expression tree; expression tree can be constructed through lambda expression syntax or through the API syntax; expression tree can be compiled to a delegate Func<T>; the inverse conversion is theoretically possible, but it's a kind of decompiling, there is no builtin functionality for that as it's not a straightforward process; expression tree can be observed/translated/modified through the ExpressionVisitor; the extension methods for IEnumerable operate with Func<T>; the extension methods for IQueryable operate with Expression<Func<T>>.
有一篇文章用代码示例描述了细节: LINQ: Func<T> vs. Expression<Func<T>>。
这里过于简化了,但Func是一个机器,而Expression是一个蓝图。: D
Mapping the code to a different environment (ie. C# code to SQL in Entity Framework) Replacing parts of the code in runtime (dynamic programming or even plain DRY techniques) Code validation (very useful when emulating scripting or when doing analysis) Serialization - expressions can be serialized rather easily and safely, delegates can't Strongly-typed safety on things that aren't inherently strongly-typed, and exploiting compiler checks even though you're doing dynamic calls in runtime (ASP.NET MVC 5 with Razor is a nice example)