我使用过一些rake(一个Ruby make程序),它有一个选项,可以获得所有可用目标的列表,例如

> rake --tasks
rake db:charset      # retrieve the charset for your data...
rake db:collation    # retrieve the collation for your da...
rake db:create       # Creates the databases defined in y...
rake db:drop         # Drops the database for your curren...

但是在GNU make中似乎没有这样做的选项。

显然,代码几乎已经有了,截至2007年- http://www.mail-archive.com/help-make@gnu.org/msg06434.html。


    @grep '^[^#[:space:]].*:' Makefile


> make list


我把这两个答案结合起来:https://stackoverflow.com/a/9524878/86967和https://stackoverflow.com/a/7390874/86967 并做了一些转义,以便可以从makefile中使用。

.PHONY: no_targets__ list
    sh -c "$(MAKE) -p no_targets__ | awk -F':' '/^[a-zA-Z0-9][^\$$#\/\\t=]*:([^=]|$$)/ {split(\$$1,A,/ /);for(i in A)print A[i]}' | grep -v '__\$$' | sort"


$ make -s list
makefile ## this is kind of extraneous, but whatever...




# Make sure bash completion is enabled
source /etc/bash_completion 

# List targets from Makefile
sed -nrf <(_make_target_extract_script --) Makefile

注意:这个答案已经更新到GNU make v4.3仍然可以工作——如果你遇到什么问题,请告诉我们。

本文试图改进Brent Bradburn的伟大方法,如下所示:

使用更健壮的命令来提取目标名称,这有望防止任何误报(还消除了不必要的sh -c) 并不总是以当前目录中的makefile为目标;尊重使用-f <file>显式指定的makefile 不包括隐藏目标——按照惯例,这些目标的名称既不是以字母开头,也不是以数字开头 只对付一个假目标 使用@作为命令的前缀,防止命令在执行前被回显

奇怪的是,GNU make没有列出makefile中定义的目标名称的特性。虽然-p选项生成包含所有目标的输出,但它将这些目标隐藏在许多其他信息中,并执行默认目标(可以使用-f/dev/null来抑制)。

将下面的规则放在一个makefile中,让GNU make实现一个目标命名列表,简单地按字母顺序列出所有目标名称-即:调用为make列表:

.PHONY: list
    @LC_ALL=C $(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/(^|\n)# Files(\n|$$)/,/(^|\n)# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | sort | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$'


Note that sorting the resulting list of targets is the best option, since not sorting doesn't produce a helpful ordering in that the order in which the targets appear in the makefile is not preserved. Also, the sub-targets of a rule comprising multiple targets are invariably output separately and will therefore, due to sorting, usually not appear next to one another; e.g., a rule starting with a z: will not have targets a and z listed next to each other in the output, if there are additional targets.


.PHONY: list declares target list a phony target, i.e., one not referring to a file, which should therefore have its recipe invoked unconditionally LC_ALL=C makes sure that make's output in in English, as parsing of the output relies on that.Tip of the hat to Bastian Bittorf $(MAKE) -pRrq -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) : 2>/dev/null Invokes make again in order to print and parse the database derived from the makefile: -p prints the database -Rr suppresses inclusion of built-in rules and variables -q only tests the up-to-date-status of a target (without remaking anything), but that by itself doesn't prevent execution of recipe commands in all cases; hence: -f $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) ensures that the same makefile is targeted as in the original invocation, regardless of whether it was targeted implicitly or explicitly with -f .... Caveat: This will break if your makefile contains include directives; to address this, define variable THIS_FILE := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) before any include directives and use -f $(THIS_FILE) instead. : is a deliberately invalid target that is meant to ensure that no commands are executed; 2>/dev/null suppresses the resulting error message. Note: This relies on -p printing the database nonetheless, which is the case as of GNU make 3.82. Sadly, GNU make offers no direct option to just print the database, without also executing the default (or given) task; if you don't need to target a specific Makefile, you may use make -p -f/dev/null, as recommended in the man page. -v RS= This is an awk idiom that breaks the input into blocks of contiguous non-empty lines. /(^|\n)# Files(\n|$$)/,/(^|\n)# Finished Make data base/ Matches the range of lines in the output that contains all targets, across paragraphs - by limiting parsing to this range, there is no need to deal with false positives from other output sections. Note: Between make versions 3.x and 4.3, paragraph structuring in make's output changed, so (^|\n) / (\n|$$) ensures that the lines that identify the start and the end of the cross-paragraph range of lines of interest are detected irrespective of whether they occur at the start or inside / at the end of a paragraph. if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") Selectively ignores blocks: # ... ignores non-targets, whose blocks start with # Not a target: . ... ignores special targets All other blocks should each start with a line containing only the name of an explicitly defined target followed by : egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' removes unwanted targets from the output: '^[^[:alnum:]]' ... excludes hidden targets, which - by convention - are targets that start neither with a letter nor a digit. '^$@$$' ... excludes the list target itself

然后运行make list,打印所有目标,每个目标在自己的行上;您可以通过管道连接到xargs来创建一个以空格分隔的列表。


    cat Makefile | grep "^[A-z]" | awk '{print $$1}' | sed "s/://g" 

这显然在很多情况下都不起作用,但如果你的Makefile是由CMake创建的,你可能可以运行make help。

$ make help
The following are some of the valid targets for this Makefile:
... all (the default if no target is provided)
... clean
... depend
... install


然而,如果您想对清单有更多的控制,而不产生任何副作用(例如使用. phony目标标记文档,这阻止了使用目标名称作为Make用来决定需要重建哪些目标的实际文件的逻辑),您可以为文档发明自己的语法。我更喜欢这样使用###:

CPUS ?= $(shell nproc)
MAKEFLAGS += -j $(CPUS) -l $(CPUS) -s

# Basic paths
PREFIX  ?= usr
BINDIR  ?= $(PREFIX)/bin
ETCDIR  ?= etc
MANDIR  ?= $(PREFIX)/share/man
# ...

### help: Show help message (default target)
# use "help" as the default target (first target in the Makefile)
.PHONY: help
    @printf "%s\n\n" "make: List of possible targets:"
    @grep '^### .*:' $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) | sed 's/^### \([^:]*\): \(.*\)/\1:\t\2/' | column -ts "$$(printf '\t')"

### install: Install all files in $PREFIX (used by debian binary package build scripts)
    install -D -o root -g root -m 755 ...

### release: Increase package version number
    debchange --release



$ make
make: List of possible targets:

help:      Show help message (default target)
install:   Install all files in $PREFIX (used by debian binary package build scripts)
release:   Increase package version number

This works because only lines starting with ### and having a : character are considered as the documentation to output. Note that this intentionally does not extract the actual target name but fully trusts the documentation lines only. This allows always emitting correct output for very complex Makefile tricks, too. Also note that this avoids needing to put the documentation line on any specific position relative to actual rule. I also intentionally avoid sorting the output because the order of output can be fully controlled from the Makefile itself simply by listing the documentation lines in preferred order.


### en: install: Install all files in $PREFIX
### fi: asennus: asenna kaikki tiedostot hakemistoon $PREFIX


.PHONY: asennus
asennus: install
