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If you use web services instead WCF services, you can still use standard .Net membership to enforce authentication and login session behaviour on a set web services similarly to a how you would secure web site with membership forms authentication & without the need for a special session and/or soap headers implementations by simply calling System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false) [after calling Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password) of course] to create cookie in the response as if the user has logged in via a web form. Then you can retrieve this authentication cookie with Response.Cookies[].Value and return it as a string to the user which can be used to authenticate the user in subsequent calls by re-creating the cookie in the Application_BeginRequest by extracting the cookie method call param from the Request.InputStream and re-creating the auth cookie before the membership authenticates the request this way the membership provider gets tricked and will know the request is authenticated and enforce all its rules.

将此cookie返回给用户的示例web方法签名如下: 字符串登录(用户名、密码)

后续web方法调用示例如下: 字符串DoSomething(字符串authcookie,字符串methodParam1,int methodParam2等,等),你需要提取authcookie(这是从登录方法获得的值)参数从请求。InputStreamis

这也模拟了一个登录会话并调用FormsAuthentication。签出在web方法,如注销(authcookie)将 使用户需要再次登录。


这似乎是一个巨大而模糊的问题…… 但我将在这里介绍Reflection,因为它允许我做一些非常强大的事情,如可插拔的DALs等。


If you use web services instead WCF services, you can still use standard .Net membership to enforce authentication and login session behaviour on a set web services similarly to a how you would secure web site with membership forms authentication & without the need for a special session and/or soap headers implementations by simply calling System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false) [after calling Membership.ValidateUser(userName, password) of course] to create cookie in the response as if the user has logged in via a web form. Then you can retrieve this authentication cookie with Response.Cookies[].Value and return it as a string to the user which can be used to authenticate the user in subsequent calls by re-creating the cookie in the Application_BeginRequest by extracting the cookie method call param from the Request.InputStream and re-creating the auth cookie before the membership authenticates the request this way the membership provider gets tricked and will know the request is authenticated and enforce all its rules.

将此cookie返回给用户的示例web方法签名如下: 字符串登录(用户名、密码)

后续web方法调用示例如下: 字符串DoSomething(字符串authcookie,字符串methodParam1,int methodParam2等,等),你需要提取authcookie(这是从登录方法获得的值)参数从请求。InputStreamis

这也模拟了一个登录会话并调用FormsAuthentication。签出在web方法,如注销(authcookie)将 使用户需要再次登录。



<input type="checkbox" name="roles" value='<%# Eval("Name") %>' 
  <%# ((bool) Eval("InRole")) ? "checked" : "" %> 
  <%# ViewData.Model.IsInRole("Admin") ? "" : "disabled" %> />