
IF NOT %1 GOTO MyLabel // This is invalid syntax
IF "%1" == "" GOTO MyLabel // Works unless %1 has double quotes which fatally kills bat execution
IF %1 == GOTO MyLabel // Gives an unexpected GOTO error.


IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command
IF [NOT] string1==string2 command
IF [NOT] EXIST filename command




@echo off

set varEmpty=
if not "%varEmpty%"=="" (
    echo varEmpty is not empty
) else (
    echo varEmpty is empty
set varNotEmpty=hasValue
if not "%varNotEmpty%"=="" (
    echo varNotEmpty is not empty
) else (
    echo varNotEmpty is empty


使用“IF DEFINED变量命令”测试批处理文件中的变量。

但如果您想测试批处理参数,请尝试以下代码以避免棘手的输入(如“1 2”或ab^>cd)

set tmp="%1"
if "%tmp:"=.%"==".." (
    echo empty
) else (
    echo not empty


set str=%~1
if not defined str ( echo Empty string )


This way looks correct:

if "%~1" == "" if [%1] == [] echo Argument 1 is really empty.

First filter (if "%~1" == "") из safe way to detect argument is empty or "".
Second filter (if [%1] == []) will skip "" argument.
Remember we have two kind of empty arguments : really empty (nothing) and empty quotes "".
We have to detect both.

Next code takes all arguments "as is" in variable args:

set args=%1
shift /1
if "%~1" == "" if [%1] == [] goto :DoneArgs
set args=%args% %1
goto :ParseArgs
if not defined args echo No arguments
if defined args echo Aguments are: %args%

This code correctly process "normal" arguments (simple words, "multiword phrases" or "") with balanced quotes.
Quoted arguments can even contain special chars like "a & b".
But it is still can fail with "abnormal" expressions with unbalanced quotes (do not use them).


IF [%1] == [] GOTO MyLabel



SET /A var02 = %var01% / 1
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (ECHO Variable var01 is NOT EXIST)