

LANforge ICE is a network emulator with an emphasis on virtual routing, jitter, corruption and delay. Projects have used it to emulate satellite link, cable and modem connections, and high-speed (10Gbit) wan emulation. You can use a Java GUI to build your virtual networks and generate very detailed reports of the traffic flow. The LANforge products also provide traffic generation features: frame, ethernet, layer-3 and stateful traffic (NFS, http). Recent editions for LANforge have sophisticated WiFi testing features as well.



在过去,我使用了使用Linux Netem(网络仿真)功能的桥接。它是高度可配置的——允许引入延迟(第一个例子是WAN)、数据包丢失、损坏等。


另一个客户端程序(仅限Windows)是NetLimiter - http://www.netlimiter.com

http://www.shunra.com上有一个产品叫做VE Desktop,可以用来模拟不同的网络条件。它允许你用一个简单的UI调整延迟、带宽和丢包。唯一需要注意的是,它不是免费的。希望这能有所帮助。

LANforge ICE is a network emulator with an emphasis on virtual routing, jitter, corruption and delay. Projects have used it to emulate satellite link, cable and modem connections, and high-speed (10Gbit) wan emulation. You can use a Java GUI to build your virtual networks and generate very detailed reports of the traffic flow. The LANforge products also provide traffic generation features: frame, ethernet, layer-3 and stateful traffic (NFS, http). Recent editions for LANforge have sophisticated WiFi testing features as well.