The Altered View - A view that is altered too often and without notice or reason. The change will either be noticed at the most inappropriate time or worse be wrong and never noticed. Maybe your application will break because someone thought of a better name for that column. As a rule views should extend the usefulness of base tables while maintaining a contract with consumers. Fix problems but don't add features or worse change behavior, for that create a new view. To mitigate do not share views with other projects and, use CTEs when platforms allow. If your shop has a DBA you probably can't change views but all your views will be outdated and or useless in that case. The !Paramed - Can a query have more than one purpose? Probably but the next person who reads it won't know until deep meditation. Even if you don't need them right now chances are you will, even if it's "just" to debug. Adding parameters lowers maintenance time and keep things DRY. If you have a where clause you should have parameters. The case for no CASE - SELECT CASE @problem WHEN 'Need to replace column A with this medium to large collection of strings hanging out in my code.' THEN 'Create a table for lookup and add to your from clause.' WHEN 'Scrubbing values in the result set based on some business rules.' THEN 'Fix the data in the database' WHEN 'Formating dates or numbers.' THEN 'Apply formating in the presentation layer.' WHEN 'Createing a cross tab' THEN 'Good, but in reporting you should probably be using cross tab, matrix or pivot templates' ELSE 'You probably found another case for no CASE but now I have to edit my code instead of enriching the data...' END
Using spaces when creating tables, sprocs etc. I'm fine with CamelCase or under_scores and singular or plurals and UPPERCASE or lowercase but having to refer to a table or column [with spaces], especially if [ it is oddly spaced] (yes, I've run into this) really irritates me. Denormalized data. A table doesn't have to be perfectly normalized, but when I run into a table of employees that has information about their current evaluation score or their primary anything, it tells me that I will probably need to make a separate table at some point and then try to keep them synced. I will normalize the data first and then if I see a place where denormalization helps, I'll consider it. Overuse of either views or cursors. Views have a purpose, but when each table is wrapped in a view it's too much. I've had to use cursors a few times, but generally you can use other mechanisms for this. Access. Can a program be an anti-pattern? We have SQL Server at my work, but a number of people use access due to it's availabilty, "ease of use" and "friendliness" to non-technical users. There is too much here to go into, but if you've been in a similar environment, you know.
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- 从DateTime中提取小时(SQL Server 2005)
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- Postgres唯一约束与索引
- SQL Server动态PIVOT查询?
- MySQL对重复键更新在一个查询中插入多行
- 向现有表添加主键
- 使用电子邮件地址为主键?
- MySQL:如何复制行,但改变几个字段?
- 不能删除或更新父行:外键约束失败
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- SQL WHERE ID IN (id1, id2,…idn)
- 最常见的SQL反模式是什么?
- 错误:没有唯一的约束匹配给定的键引用表"bar"