





#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>

float KahanSum(const float *data, int n)
   float sum = 0.0f, C = 0.0f, Y, T;

   for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
      Y = *data++ - C;
      T = sum + Y;
      C = T - sum - Y;
      sum = T;

   return sum;

float AsmSum(const float *data, int n)
  float result = 0.0f;

    mov esi,data
    mov ecx,n
    fsubr [esi]
    add esi,4
    fld st(0)
    fadd st(0),st(2)
    fld st(0)
    fsub st(0),st(3)
    fsub st(0),st(2)
    fstp st(2)
    fstp st(2)
    loop l1
    fstp result
    fstp result

  return result;

int main (int, char **)
  int count = 1000000;

  float *source = new float [count];

  for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) {
    source [i] = static_cast <float> (rand ()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX);

  LARGE_INTEGER start, mid, end;

  float sum1 = 0.0f, sum2 = 0.0f;

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&start);

  sum1 = KahanSum (source, count);

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&mid);

  sum2 = AsmSum (source, count);

  QueryPerformanceCounter (&end);

  cout << "  C code: " << sum1 << " in " << (mid.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) << endl;
  cout << "asm code: " << sum2 << " in " << (end.QuadPart - mid.QuadPart) << endl;

  return 0;


  C code: 500137 in 103884668
asm code: 500137 in 52129147









一个更著名的组装片段来自Michael Abrash的纹理映射循环(在这里详细解释):

add edx,[DeltaVFrac] ; add in dVFrac
sbb ebp,ebp ; store carry
mov [edi],al ; write pixel n
mov al,[esi] ; fetch pixel n+1
add ecx,ebx ; add in dUFrac
adc esi,[4*ebp + UVStepVCarry]; add in steps

现在,大多数编译器将高级CPU特定指令表示为intrinsic,即编译为实际指令的函数。MS Visual c++支持MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3和SSE4的intrinsic,因此您不必太过担心使用特定于平台的指令来进行汇编。Visual c++还可以通过适当的/ARCH设置来利用您所针对的实际体系结构。


Debugging - I often get library code that has bugs or incomplete documentation. I figure out what it's doing by stepping in at the assembly level. I have to do this about once a week. I also use it as a tool to debug problems in which my eyes don't spot the idiomatic error in C/C++/C#. Looking at the assembly gets past that. Optimizing - the compiler does fairly well in optimizing, but I play in a different ballpark than most. I write image processing code that usually starts with code that looks like this: for (int y=0; y < imageHeight; y++) { for (int x=0; x < imageWidth; x++) { // do something } } the "do something part" typically happens on the order of several million times (ie, between 3 and 30). By scraping cycles in that "do something" phase, the performance gains are hugely magnified. I don't usually start there - I usually start by writing the code to work first, then do my best to refactor the C to be naturally better (better algorithm, less load in the loop etc). I usually need to read assembly to see what's going on and rarely need to write it. I do this maybe every two or three months. doing something the language won't let me. These include - getting the processor architecture and specific processor features, accessing flags not in the CPU (man, I really wish C gave you access to the carry flag), etc. I do this maybe once a year or two years.
