与许多api一样,这个api也会分页较大的结果。如果你查询/foos,你会得到100个结果(即foo #1-100),和一个链接到/foos?Page =2,返回foo #101-200。
不幸的是,如果在API使用者进行下一次查询之前从数据集中删除了foo #10, /foos?Page =2将偏移100并返回foos #102-201。
这对于试图获取所有foo的API使用者来说是一个问题——他们不会收到foo #101。
RESTFul api中的另一个分页选项是使用这里介绍的Link头。例如,Github使用它如下:
Link: <https://api.github.com/user/repos?page=3&per_page=100>; rel="next",
<https://api.github.com/user/repos?page=50&per_page=100>; rel="last"
rel的可能值是:first, last, next, previous。但是通过使用Link头,可能无法指定total_count(元素的总数)。
I created a single table changelogs with an auto-increment ID column
My entities have an id field, but this is not the primary key
The entities have a changeId field which is both the primary key as well as a foreign key to changelogs.
Whenever a user creates, updates or deletes a record, the system inserts a new record in changelogs, grabs the id and assigns it to a new version of the entity, which it then inserts in the DB
My queries select the maximum changeId (grouped by id) and self-join that to get the most recent versions of all records.
Filters are applied to the most recent records
A state field keeps track of whether an item is deleted
The max changeId is returned to the client and added as a query parameter in subsequent requests
Because only new changes are created, every single changeId represents a unique snapshot of the underlying data at the moment the change was created.
This means that you can cache the results of requests that have the parameter changeId in them forever. The results will never expire because they will never change.
This also opens up exciting feature such as rollback / revert, synching client cache etc. Any features that benefit from change history.