




如前所述,当选中复选框时,最近的重音颜色CSS属性用于更改复选框的颜色。 然而,我没有看到其他人提到的是,当复选框未选中时,如果你使用CSS的过滤器属性,你可以改变背景颜色和/或边界。


幸运的是,这种复杂的方法似乎在所有浏览器中都有效,并且您可以使用生成器来计算所需的过滤器:https://codepen.io/jumarjuaton/full/mdJYWYq (这个链接是从白色转换而来的,不像上面链接的问题)


/* Disable 'filters' while checked since they impact 'accent-color'. */ input[type='checkbox']:checked { filter: none; } input[type='radio']:checked { filter: none; } /** * We use 'accent-color' for colors in the checked stated and we use * 'filter' to change the background colors in the unchecked state. */ .red-bg-input { accent-color: red; filter: invert(85%) sepia(83%) saturate(6726%) hue-rotate(360deg) brightness(111%) contrast(111%); } .green-bg-input { accent-color: green; filter: invert(49%) sepia(65%) saturate(7149%) hue-rotate(92deg) brightness(89%) contrast(103%); } .blue-bg-input { accent-color: blue; filter: invert(30%) sepia(99%) saturate(6101%) hue-rotate(202deg) brightness(52%) contrast(136%); } .teal-bg-input { accent-color: teal; filter: invert(58%) sepia(77%) saturate(3139%) hue-rotate(157deg) brightness(89%) contrast(101%) } .dark-input { accent-color: black; filter: brightness(0%) saturate(100) hue-rotate(25deg); } .gray-input { accent-color: purple; filter: brightness(60%) saturate(100) hue-rotate(25deg); } .orange-bg-input { accent-color: orange; filter: invert(63%) sepia(28%) saturate(7249%) hue-rotate(0deg) brightness(103%) contrast(105%); } <input type="checkbox" /> <input type="checkbox" checked/> <input type="radio" /> <input type="radio" checked /> Defaults <br> <input class="red-bg-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="red-bg-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="red-bg-input" type="radio" /> <input class="red-bg-input" type="radio" checked/> Red <br> <input class="green-bg-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="green-bg-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="green-bg-input" type="radio" /> <input class="green-bg-input" type="radio" checked/> Green <br> <input class="blue-bg-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="blue-bg-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="blue-bg-input" type="radio" /> <input class="blue-bg-input" type="radio" checked/> Blue <br> <input class="teal-bg-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="teal-bg-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="teal-bg-input" type="radio" /> <input class="teal-bg-input" type="radio" checked/> Teal <br> <input class="orange-bg-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="orange-bg-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="orange-bg-input" type="radio" /> <input class="orange-bg-input" type="radio" checked/> Orange <br> <input class="dark-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="dark-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="dark-input" type="radio" /> <input class="dark-input" type="radio" checked/> Black/dark <br> <input class="gray-input" type="checkbox" /> <input class="gray-input" type="checkbox" checked/> <input class="gray-input" type="radio" /> <input class="gray-input" type="radio" checked/> Purple + Gray background



< asp:CheckBox... Text="< img src='/link/to/img.png' />My Text" />



.custom_checkbox[type="checkbox"]:checked + span:not(.lever)::before {
  border: 2px solid transparent;
  border-bottom: 2px solid #ffd600;
  border-right: 2px solid #ffd600;
  background: transparent;


    <input type="checkbox" class="custom_checkbox" />




下面的答案参考了css3广泛可用之前的情况。在现代浏览器(包括Internet Explorer 9及更高版本)中,使用您喜欢的样式创建复选框替换更简单,而无需使用JavaScript。


使用CSS创建自定义表单复选框 简单的CSS复选框生成器 你可以用复选框黑客做的事情 使用CSS3实现自定义复选框和单选按钮 如何样式的复选框与CSS

It is worth noting that the fundamental issue has not changed. You still can't apply styles (borders, etc.) directly to the checkbox element and have those styles affect the display of the HTML checkbox. What has changed, however, is that it's now possible to hide the actual checkbox and replace it with a styled element of your own, using nothing but CSS. In particular, because CSS now has a widely supported :checked selector, you can make your replacement correctly reflect the checked status of the box.







您不需要外部库和文件 你不需要加 在页面中添加额外的HTML 您不需要更改复选框名称 和id


input[type=checkbox] { transform: scale(1.5); } input[type=checkbox] { width: 30px; height: 30px; margin-right: 8px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 17px; visibility: hidden; } input[type=checkbox]:after, input[type=checkbox]::after { content: " "; background-color: #fff; display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; color: #00BFF0; width: 22px; height: 25px; visibility: visible; border: 1px solid #00BFF0; padding-left: 3px; border-radius: 5px; } input[type=checkbox]:checked:after, input[type=checkbox]:checked::after { content: "\2714"; padding: -5px; font-weight: bold; } <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" /> <label for="checkbox1">Checkbox</label>


确保在iccheck .js之前加载jQuery v1.7+

Choose a color scheme, there are 10 different styles available: Black — minimal.css Red — red.css Green — green.css Blue — blue.css Aero — aero.css Grey — grey.css Orange — orange.css Yellow — yellow.css Pink — pink.css Purple — purple.css Copy /skins/minimal/ folder and icheck.js file to your site. Insert before in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme): <link href="your-path/minimal/color-scheme.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="your-path/icheck.js"></script> Example for a Red color scheme: <link href="your-path/minimal/red.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="your-path/icheck.js"></script> Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML: <input type="checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" checked> <input type="radio" name="iCheck"> <input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked> Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin: <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal', radioClass: 'iradio_minimal', increaseArea: '20%' // Optional }); }); </script> For different from black color schemes use this code (example for Red): <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $('input').iCheck({ checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-red', radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-red', increaseArea: '20%' // Optional }); }); </script> Done