private void make_visible(View view)
int vt = view.getTop();
int vb = view.getBottom();
View v = view;
ViewParent vp = v.getParent();
if(vp == null || !(vp instanceof ViewGroup))
ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup)vp;
if(parent instanceof ScrollView)
ScrollView sv = (ScrollView)parent;
// Code based on ScrollView.computeScrollDeltaToGetChildRectOnScreen(Rect rect) (Android v5.1.1):
int height = sv.getHeight();
int screenTop = sv.getScrollY();
int screenBottom = screenTop + height;
int fadingEdge = sv.getVerticalFadingEdgeLength();
// leave room for top fading edge as long as rect isn't at very top
if(vt > 0)
screenTop += fadingEdge;
// leave room for bottom fading edge as long as rect isn't at very bottom
if(vb < sv.getChildAt(0).getHeight())
screenBottom -= fadingEdge;
int scrollYDelta = 0;
if(vb > screenBottom && vt > screenTop)
// need to move down to get it in view: move down just enough so
// that the entire rectangle is in view (or at least the first
// screen size chunk).
if(vb-vt > height) // just enough to get screen size chunk on
scrollYDelta += (vt - screenTop);
else // get entire rect at bottom of screen
scrollYDelta += (vb - screenBottom);
// make sure we aren't scrolling beyond the end of our content
int bottom = sv.getChildAt(0).getBottom();
int distanceToBottom = bottom - screenBottom;
scrollYDelta = Math.min(scrollYDelta, distanceToBottom);
else if(vt < screenTop && vb < screenBottom)
// need to move up to get it in view: move up just enough so that
// entire rectangle is in view (or at least the first screen
// size chunk of it).
if(vb-vt > height) // screen size chunk
scrollYDelta -= (screenBottom - vb);
else // entire rect at top
scrollYDelta -= (screenTop - vt);
// make sure we aren't scrolling any further than the top our content
scrollYDelta = Math.max(scrollYDelta, -sv.getScrollY());
sv.smoothScrollBy(0, scrollYDelta);
// Transform coordinates to parent:
int dy = parent.getTop()-parent.getScrollY();
vt += dy;
vb += dy;
v = parent;
Sherif elKhatib的答案可以大大改进,如果你想将视图滚动到滚动视图的中心。这个可重用的方法平滑地将视图滚动到HorizontalScrollView的可见中心。
private final void focusOnView(final HorizontalScrollView scroll, final View view) {
new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int vLeft = view.getLeft();
int vRight = view.getRight();
int sWidth = scroll.getWidth();
scroll.smoothScrollTo(((vLeft + vRight - sWidth) / 2), 0);
int vTop = view.getTop();
int vBottom = view.getBottom();
int sHeight = scroll.getBottom();
scroll.smoothScrollTo(0, ((vTop + vBottom - sHeight) / 2));
在我的例子中,这不是EditText,而是googleMap。 它是这样成功工作的。
private final void focusCenterOnView(final ScrollView scroll, final View view) {
new Handler().post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int centreX=(int) (view.getX() + view.getWidth() / 2);
int centreY= (int) (view.getY() + view.getHeight() / 2);
scrollView.smoothScrollBy(centreX, centreY);
scrollView.postDelayed(new Runnable()
public void run()
scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, img_transparent.getTop());
}, 200);
int[] spinnerLocation = {0,0};
int[] scrollLocation = {0, 0};
int y = scrollView.getScrollY();
scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, y + spinnerLocation[1] - scrollLocation[1]);
What below code makes is the Android way positioning smoothly. First of all we keep the current scroll point as a reference point. Second thing is to find the best positioning scroll point for an editor, to do this we scroll to top, and then request the editor fields to make the ScrollView component to do the best positioning. Gatcha! We've learned the best position. Now, what we'll do is scroll smoothly from the previous point to the point we've found newly. If you want you may omit smooth scrolling by using scrollTo instead of smoothScrollTo only.
view.setOnFocusChangeListener(new View.OnFocusChangeListener() {
public void onFocusChange(final View view, boolean b) {
if (b) {
scrollViewSignup.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int scrollY = scrollViewSignup.getScrollY();
scrollViewSignup.scrollTo(0, 0);
final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, view.getWidth(), view.getHeight());
view.requestRectangleOnScreen(rect, true);
int new_scrollY = scrollViewSignup.getScrollY();
scrollViewSignup.scrollTo(0, scrollY);
scrollViewSignup.smoothScrollTo(0, new_scrollY);
traverseEditTextChildren(scrollViewSignup, focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
private void traverseEditTextChildren(ViewGroup viewGroup, View.OnFocusChangeListener focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor) {
int childCount = viewGroup.getChildCount();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
View view = viewGroup.getChildAt(i);
if (view instanceof EditText)
((EditText) view).setOnFocusChangeListener(focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
else if (view instanceof ViewGroup)
traverseEditTextChildren((ViewGroup) view, focusChangeListenerToScrollEditor);
Many thanks to all other answers inspiring me much.