我发现在Windows的命令行中工作令人沮丧,主要是因为与linux和OS X上的“rxvt”、“xterm”或“terminal”等终端应用程序相比,控制台窗口使用起来很糟糕。主要的投诉:
No standard copy/paste. You have to turn on "mark" mode and it's only available from a multi-level popup triggered by the (small) left hand corner button. Then copy and paste need to be invoked from the same menu
You can't arbitrarily resize the window by dragging, you need to set a preference (back to the multi-level popup) each time you want to resize a window
You can only make the window so big before horizontal scroll bars enter the picture. Horizontal scroll bars suck.
With the cmd.exe shell, you can't navigate to folders with \\netpath notation (UNC?), you need to map a network drive. This sucks when working on multiple machines that are going to have different drives mapped
最初,该程序被设计为与Far Manager(我最喜欢的shell替代品-文件和档案管理,命令历史和完成,功能强大的编辑器)一起工作。但是ConEmu可以与任何其他控制台应用程序或简单的GUI工具一起使用(例如PuTTY)。ConEmu是一个活跃的项目,欢迎大家提出建议。
Latest versions of ConEmu may set up itself as default terminal for Windows
Use any font installed in the system, or copied to a folder of the program (ttf, otf, fon, bdf)
Run selected tabs as Administrator (Vista+) or as selected user
Windows 7 Jump lists and Progress on taskbar
Integration with DosBox (useful in 64bit systems to run DOS applications)
Smooth resize, maximized and fullscreen window modes
Scrollbar initially hidden, may be revealed by mouseover or checkbox in settings
Optional settings (e.g. pallette) for selected applications
User friendly text and block selection (from keyboard or mouse), copy, paste, text search in console
ANSI X3.64 and Xterm 256 color
Far Manager用户将获得shell风格的拖放、缩略图和面板中的瓦片、编辑器和查看器的选项卡、真实颜色和字体样式(斜体/粗体/下划线)。
PS. Far Manager支持UNC路径(\\server\share\…)