
这是以推送通知的形式提供的,这是一种定制的协议,可以保持与iPhone的数据连接,并向应用程序发送二进制数据包,它会以极快的速度弹出警报,从服务器应用程序发送到手机应用程序的响应时间为0.5 - 5秒。这是作为数据而不是SMS发送的,以非常非常小的数据包作为数据计划的一部分收费,而不是作为传入消息。

我想知道,如果,使用Android,有一个类似的设施,或者是否有可能实现接近这个使用Android api的东西。为了澄清,我将相似定义为:

不是短信,而是一些数据驱动的解决方案 尽可能的实时 是否可扩展,即作为移动应用程序的服务器部分,我可以在几秒钟内通知数千个应用程序实例



谷歌正在贬低C2DM,但他们引入了GCM(谷歌云消息),我认为他们没有任何配额,而且是免费的!不过它确实需要Android 2.2+ !http://developer.android.com/guide/google/gcm/index.html


我最近开始在Android上使用MQTT http://mqtt.org,作为一种实现您所要求的方式(即不是SMS,而是数据驱动,几乎是即时消息传递,可伸缩,而不是轮询等)。



As GTalk is gone from the SDK, it might be a good idea to make a 'standard' push messaging system. That way, only one service has to run, only one extra tcp connection needs to be open. Applications should talk to this service using Intents and should first request permission to send and receive notification from the service. The service should then notify the user a new application wants to send and receive messages. The user will then grant or deny permission, so he stays in control. The application will then register an action + category to the service, so the service knows how to deliver the pushed message.





Why dont you go with the XMPP implementation. right now there are so many public servers available including gtalk, jabber, citadel etc. For Android there is one SDK is also available named as SMACK. This we cant say a push notification but using the XMPP you can keep a connection open between client and server which will allow a two way communication. Means Android client and server both can communicate to each other. At present this will fulfill the need of Push in android. I have implemented a sample code and it really works great
