
这是以推送通知的形式提供的,这是一种定制的协议,可以保持与iPhone的数据连接,并向应用程序发送二进制数据包,它会以极快的速度弹出警报,从服务器应用程序发送到手机应用程序的响应时间为0.5 - 5秒。这是作为数据而不是SMS发送的,以非常非常小的数据包作为数据计划的一部分收费,而不是作为传入消息。

我想知道,如果,使用Android,有一个类似的设施,或者是否有可能实现接近这个使用Android api的东西。为了澄清,我将相似定义为:

不是短信,而是一些数据驱动的解决方案 尽可能的实时 是否可扩展,即作为移动应用程序的服务器部分,我可以在几秒钟内通知数千个应用程序实例







The Android client must maintain a persistent TCP connection by waking up periodically to send a heartbeat to the XMPP server. This clearly imposes a cost in terms of power usage. An estimate of this cost is provided below: Using a 1400mAh battery (as supplied in the Nexus One and HTC Desire) An idle device, connected to an 3G network, uses approximately 5mA The wake-up, heartbeat, sleep cycle occurs every 5 minutes, takes three seconds to complete and uses 300mA The cost in battery usage per hour is therefore: 36 seconds 300mA = 3mAh sending heartbeat 3600 seconds 5mA = 5mAh at idle 4:95 + 3 = 7:95mAh combined A 1400mAh battery lasts approximately 11.6 days at idle and 7.3 days when running the application, which represents an approximate 37% reduction in battery life. However, a reduction in battery life of 37% represents the absolute worst case in practice given that devices are rarely completely idle.








"I'm behind a NAT. Can I subscribe to a Hub? The hub can't connect to me." /Anonymous No, PSHB is a server-to-server protocol. If you're behind NAT, you're not really a server. While we've kicked around ideas for optional PSHB extensions to do hanging gets ("long polling") and/or messagebox polling for such clients, it's not in the core spec. The core spec is server-to-server only. /Brad Fitzpatrick, San Francisco, CA Source: http://moderator.appspot.com/#15/e=43e1a&t=426ac&f=b0c2d (direct link not possible)

我得出的结论是,最简单的方法是使用Comet HTTP push。这是一个简单且易于理解的解决方案,但它也可以用于web应用程序。

They have their listeners which has to be used by you by using their library classes in your code. You need not to bother about pushing. You have to send the message to server server will push the message to the device. They use OAuth. Regarding Protocols, there are two methods using CCS and XMPP. CCS just uses XMPP as an authenticated transport layer, so you can use most XMPP libraries to manage the connection. To send notifications to device you can write code in android app to send as well as your server code. the message sending will be done only by your code. Rest will be taken care by Google Server in GCM case. You can check detail at this link



谷歌云消息安全https://groups.google.com/forum/#!主题/ android-gcm / M-EevBitbhQ

In case your app is not running then also devices can recieve notification because you have to write code for broadcast listeners. In background it will be listening to server and whenever any message packet will be there it will recieve the message as notification. Android has service you need to not to bother about it. You have only to use those resources using the library class that makes your work easier and let them write if your app is not running then also it recieve notification. Obviously, there would be some listener whick make the app to recieve.Check "Recieve the message" section in this link


