a can only be final here. Why? How can I reassign a in onClick() method without keeping it as private member? private void f(Button b, final int a){ b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int b = a*5; } }); } How can I return the 5 * a when it clicked? I mean, private void f(Button b, final int a){ b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int b = a*5; return b; // but return type is void } }); }
private void f(Button b, final int a[]) {
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
a[0] = a[0] * 5;
public class Test
public final int a = 3;
public static void main(String[] args)
final int a = 3;
public class Test
public int a;
public void doSomething()
Runnable runnable =
new Runnable()
public void run()
a = a+1;
正如注释中提到的,其中一些在Java 8中变得无关紧要,在Java 8中final可以是隐式的。但是,只有有效的final变量才能用于匿名内部类或lambda表达式。
When you create an instance of an anonymous inner class, any variables which are used within that class have their values copied in via the autogenerated constructor. This avoids the compiler having to autogenerate various extra types to hold the logical state of the "local variables", as for example the C# compiler does... (When C# captures a variable in an anonymous function, it really captures the variable - the closure can update the variable in a way which is seen by the main body of the method, and vice versa.)
As the value has been copied into the instance of the anonymous inner class, it would look odd if the variable could be modified by the rest of the method - you could have code which appeared to be working with an out-of-date variable (because that's effectively what would be happening... you'd be working with a copy taken at a different time). Likewise if you could make changes within the anonymous inner class, developers might expect those changes to be visible within the body of the enclosing method.
Making the variable final removes all these possibilities - as the value can't be changed at all, you don't need to worry about whether such changes will be visible. The only ways to allow the method and the anonymous inner class see each other's changes is to use a mutable type of some description. This could be the enclosing class itself, an array, a mutable wrapper type... anything like that. Basically it's a bit like communicating between one method and another: changes made to the parameters of one method aren't seen by its caller, but changes made to the objects referred to by the parameters are seen.
public class Program {
interface Interface {
public void printInteger();
static Interface interfaceInstance = null;
static void initialize(int val) {
class Impl implements Interface {
public void printInteger() {
interfaceInstance = new Impl();
public static void main(String[] args) {
The interfaceInstance remains in memory after the initialize method returns, but the parameter val does not. The JVM can’t access a local variable outside its scope, so Java makes the subsequent call to printInteger work by copying the value of val to an implicit field of the same name within interfaceInstance. The interfaceInstance is said to have captured the value of the local parameter. If the parameter weren’t final (or effectively final) its value could change, becoming out of sync with the captured value, potentially causing unintuitive behavior.
private void f(Button b, final int a) {
final int[] res = new int[1];
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
res[0] = a * 5;
// But at this point handler is most likely not executed yet!
// How should we now res[0] is ready?
// ...
final int[] res = new int[1];
Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { res[0] = 123; } };
// ...
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