


是一个MVC设计模式在客户端,相信我。这将为你节省大量的代码,更不用说更干净清晰的代码,更容易维护的代码。 一开始可能有点棘手,但相信我,这是一个很棒的图书馆。





浏览器中的Rails ?不。 JavaScript的MVC框架?有几分。 一个巨大的状态机?是的!




Backbone由Jeremy Ashkenas创建,他还编写了CoffeeScript。作为一个javascript较多的应用程序,我们现在所知道的Backbone负责将应用程序构建成一个一致的代码库。backbone的唯一依赖项Underscore.js也是DocumentCloud应用的一部分。



将Backbone视为一个库,而不是一个框架 Javascript现在以一种结构化的方式组织起来,即(MVVM)模型 庞大的用户群体

I have to admit that all the "advantages" of MVC have never made my work easier, faster, or better. It just makes the whole codeing experience more abstract and time consuming. Maintenance is a nightmare when trying to debug someone elses conception of what separation means. Don't know how many of you people have ever tried to update a FLEX site that used Cairngorm as the MVC model but what should take 30 seconds to update can often take over 2 hours (hunting/tracing/debugging just to find a single event). MVC was and still is, for me, an "advantage" that you can stuff.


If what you plan to build is something where the UI regularly changes how it displays but does not go to the server to get entire new pages then you probably need something like Backbone.js or Sammy.js. The cardinal example of something like that is Google's GMail. If you've ever used it you'll notice that it downloads one big chunk of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript when you first log in and then after that everything happens in the background. It can move between reading an email and processing the inbox and searching and back through all of them again without ever asking for a whole new page to be rendered.

It's that kind of app that these frameworks excel at making easier to develop. Without them you'll either end up glomming together a diverse set of individual libraries to get parts of the functionality (for example, jQuery BBQ for history management, Events.js for events, etc.) or you'll end up building everything yourself and having to maintain and test everything yourself as well. Contrast that with something like Backbone.js that has thousands of people watching it on Github, hundreds of forks where people may be working on it, and hundreds of questions already asked and answered here on Stack Overflow.
