

ObjectAid UML Explorer


Name:     ObjectAid UML Explorer
Location: http://www.objectaid.com/update/current



The ObjectAid UML Explorer is different from other UML tools. It uses the UML notation to show a graphical representation of existing code that is as accurate and up-to-date as your text editor, while being very easy to use. Several unique features make this possible: Your source code and libraries are the model that is displayed, they are not reverse engineered into a different format. If you update your code in Eclipse, your diagram is updated as well; there is no need to reverse engineer source code. Refactoring updates your diagram as well as your source code. When you rename a field or move a class, your diagram simply reflects the changes without going out of sync. All diagrams in your Eclipse workspace are updated with refactoring changes as appropriate. If necessary, they are checked out of your version control system. Diagrams are fully integrated into the Eclipse IDE. You can drag Java classes from any other view onto the diagram, and diagram-related information is shown in other views wherever applicable.


你的代码库是什么?Java还是c++ ?

eUML2 for Java is a powerful UML modeler designed for Java developper in Eclipse. The free edition can be used for commercial use. It supports the following features: CVS and Team Support Designed for large project with multiple and customizable model views Helios Compliant Real-time code/model synchronization UML2.1 compliant and support of OMG XMI JDK 1.4 and 1.5 support The commercial edition provides: Advanced reversed engineering Powerful true dependency analyze tools UML Profile and MDD Database tools Customizable template support

到目前为止,我用过的最好的逆向工程工具和往返java -> UML是Borland's Together。它是基于Eclipse的(不仅仅是一个插件),而且工作得非常好。



就Eclipse项目本身而言,Eclipse UML2 Tools项目可能支持逆向工程,尽管我从未见过它在实践中的使用。

MoDisco(模型发现)项目Eclipse GMT项目似乎更清楚地实现了您的目标。特定于技术的工具列表将是一个很好的开始。

您也可以尝试使用netbeans UML建模器。我用它来生成我在eclipse项目中使用的javcode。您甚至可以在netbeans中导入eclipse项目,并保持eclipse设置与netbeans项目设置同步。

我尝试了几个用于eclipse的UML建模器,但都不满意。它们要么不稳定,要么复杂,要么丑陋不堪。: -)

我是作者之一,所以答案可能有偏见。它是开源的(Apache 2.0),但是插件不是免费的。如果你克隆并在本地构建它,你就不需要付费。

在Intellij IDEA上,ZenUML可以从Java代码生成序列图。

