到目前为止,我用过的最好的逆向工程工具和往返java -> UML是Borland's Together。它是基于Eclipse的(不仅仅是一个插件),而且工作得非常好。
你的代码库是什么?Java还是c++ ?
eUML2 for Java is a powerful UML modeler designed for Java developper in Eclipse. The free edition can be used for commercial use. It supports the following features: CVS and Team Support Designed for large project with multiple and customizable model views Helios Compliant Real-time code/model synchronization UML2.1 compliant and support of OMG XMI JDK 1.4 and 1.5 support The commercial edition provides: Advanced reversed engineering Powerful true dependency analyze tools UML Profile and MDD Database tools Customizable template support
到目前为止,我用过的最好的逆向工程工具和往返java -> UML是Borland's Together。它是基于Eclipse的(不仅仅是一个插件),而且工作得非常好。
我是作者之一,所以答案可能有偏见。它是开源的(Apache 2.0),但是插件不是免费的。如果你克隆并在本地构建它,你就不需要付费。
在Intellij IDEA上,ZenUML可以从Java代码生成序列图。
就Eclipse项目本身而言,Eclipse UML2 Tools项目可能支持逆向工程,尽管我从未见过它在实践中的使用。
MoDisco(模型发现)项目Eclipse GMT项目似乎更清楚地实现了您的目标。特定于技术的工具列表将是一个很好的开始。
编辑: 如果你是一个设计师,那么Papyrus是你最好的选择,它非常先进,功能齐全,但如果你只是想绘制一些UML图和易于安装,那么ObjectAid是非常酷的,它不需要任何插件,我只是在Eclipse-Java EE上安装了它,工作得很好!
下载纸莎草 去帮助->安装新软件… 在Work with:下拉菜单中,选择—All Available Sites— 在过滤器中,输入Papyrus 安装完成后重新启动Eclipse 重复步骤1-3,这一次,安装Modisco
In your java project (assume it's called MyProject) create a folder e.g UML Right click over the project name -> Discovery -> Discoverer -> Discover Java and inventory model from java project, a file called MyProject_kdm.xmi will be generated. Right click project name file --> new --> papyrus model -> and call it MyProject. Move the three generated files MyProject.di , MyProject.notation, MyProject.uml to the UML folder Right click on MyProject_kdm.xmi -> Discovery -> Discoverer -> Discover UML model from KDM code again you'll get a property dialog set the serialization prop to TRUE to generate a file named MyProject.uml Move generated MyProject.uml which was generated at root, to UML folder, Eclipse will ask you If you wanted to replace it click yes. What we did in here was that we replaced an empty model with a generated one. ALT+W -> show view -> papyrus -> model explorer In that view, you'll find your classes like in the picture In the view Right click root model -> New diagram Then start grabbing classes to the diagram from the view
To show the class elements (variables, functions etc) Right click on any class -> Filters -> show/hide contents Voila !! You can have default friendly color settings from Window -> pereferences -> papyrus -> class diagram one very important setting is Arrange when you drop the classes they get a cramped right click on any empty space at a class diagram and click Arrange All Arrows in the model explorer view can be grabbed to the diagram to show generalization, realization etc After all of that your settings will show diagrams like Synchronization isn't available as far as I know you'll need to manually import any new classes.
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