为什么NaN值的比较与所有其他值的比较行为不同? 也就是说,与运算符==,<=,>=,<,>的所有比较,其中一个或两个值都是NaN,返回false,与所有其他值的行为相反。

我认为这在某种程度上简化了数值计算,但我找不到一个明确的原因,甚至在Kahan的《IEEE 754状态讲义》中也找不到,他详细讨论了其他设计决策。


编辑: 到目前为止,所有的答案都认为比较nan是没有意义的。

我同意,但这并不意味着正确答案是错误的, 而是一个非布尔型(NaB),幸运的是它并不存在。

所以在我看来,选择返回真或假进行比较是随意的, 对于一般的数据处理来说,如果它符合通常的规律,那将是有利的 (==的反身性,<,==,>的三分), 以免依赖这些定律的数据结构变得混乱。


编辑2: 我想我现在明白为什么让NaN最大是一个坏主意了,它会搞砸上限的计算。

NaN != NaN可能是可取的,以避免检测循环中的收敛,例如

while (x != oldX) {
    oldX = x;
    x = better_approximation(x);

但是最好是通过比较小极限下的绝对差来写。 所以恕我直言,这是一个相对较弱的论点,打破自反性在NaN。


While I agree that comparisons of NaN with any real number should be unordered, I think there is just cause for comparing NaN with itself. How, for example does one discover the difference between signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs? If we think of the signals as a set of Boolean values (i.e. a bit-vector) one might well ask whether the bit-vectors are the same or different and order the sets accordingly. For example, on decoding a maximum biased exponent, if the significand were left shifted so as to align the most significant bit of the significand on the most significant bit of the binary format, a negative value would be a quiet NaN and any positive value would be a signaling NaN. Zero of course is reserved for infinity and the comparison would be unordered. MSB alignment would allow for the direct comparison of signals even from different binary formats. Two NaNs with the same set of signals would therefore be equivalent and give meaning to equality.





All mathematical operations> with a NaN as at least one operand The divisions 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞/-∞, -∞/∞, and -∞/-∞ The multiplications 0×∞ and 0×-∞ The additions ∞ + (-∞), (-∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions. Applying a function to arguments outside its domain, including taking the square root of a negative number, taking the logarithm of a negative number, taking the tangent of an odd multiple of 90 degrees (or π/2 radians), or taking the inverse sine or cosine of a number which is less than -1 or greater than +1.


While I agree that comparisons of NaN with any real number should be unordered, I think there is just cause for comparing NaN with itself. How, for example does one discover the difference between signaling NaNs and quiet NaNs? If we think of the signals as a set of Boolean values (i.e. a bit-vector) one might well ask whether the bit-vectors are the same or different and order the sets accordingly. For example, on decoding a maximum biased exponent, if the significand were left shifted so as to align the most significant bit of the significand on the most significant bit of the binary format, a negative value would be a quiet NaN and any positive value would be a signaling NaN. Zero of course is reserved for infinity and the comparison would be unordered. MSB alignment would allow for the direct comparison of signals even from different binary formats. Two NaNs with the same set of signals would therefore be equivalent and give meaning to equality.

因为数学是数字“仅仅存在”的领域。 在计算中,你必须初始化这些数字,并根据需要保持它们的状态。 在过去的日子里,内存初始化的工作方式是你永远无法依赖的。你永远不能允许自己这样想“哦,它会一直用0xCD初始化,我的算法不会坏”。

所以你需要合适的非混合溶剂,足够粘稠,不会让你的算法被卷入和破坏。 涉及数字的优秀算法大多使用关系,而那些if()关系将被省略。




因为以下几点: Nan / Nan = 1 绝对不能持有。否则inf/inf等于1。

(因此nan不能等于nan。对于>或<,如果nan尊重满足阿基米德性质的集合中的任何顺序关系,我们将再次得到nan / nan = 1的极限)。