

both coroutine builders namely launch and async are basically lambdas with receiver of type CoroutineScope which means their inner block is compiled as a suspend function, hence they both run in an asynchronous mode AND they both will execute their block sequentially. The difference between launch and async is that they enable two different possibilities. The launch builder returns a Job however the async function will return a Deferred object. You can use launch to execute a block that you don't expect any returned value from it i.e writing to a database or saving a file or processing something basically just called for its side effect. On the other hand async which return a Deferred as I stated previously returns a useful value from the execution of its block, an object that wraps your data, so you can use it for mainly its result but possibly for its side effect as well. N.B: you can strip the deferred and get its value using the function await, which will block the execution of your statements until a value is returned or an exceptions is thrown! You could achieve the same thing with launch by using the function join() both coroutine builder (launch and async) are cancelable. anything more?: yep with launch if an exception is thrown within its block, the coroutine is automatically canceled and the exceptions is delivered. On the other hand, if that happens with async the exception is not propagated further and should be caught/handled within the returned Deferred object. more on coroutines https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/coroutines/coroutines-basic-jvm.html https://www.codementor.io/blog/kotlin-coroutines-6n53p8cbn1


launch is used to fire and forget coroutine. It is like starting a new thread. If the code inside the launch terminates with exception, then it is treated like uncaught exception in a thread -- usually printed to stderr in backend JVM applications and crashes Android applications. join is used to wait for completion of the launched coroutine and it does not propagate its exception. However, a crashed child coroutine cancels its parent with the corresponding exception, too. async is used to start a coroutine that computes some result. The result is represented by an instance of Deferred and you must use await on it. An uncaught exception inside the async code is stored inside the resulting Deferred and is not delivered anywhere else, it will get silently dropped unless processed. You MUST NOT forget about the coroutine you’ve started with async.




    class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        btnCount.setOnClickListener {
            pgBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE
            CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
                val currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
                val retVal1 = downloadTask1()
                val retVal2 = downloadTask2()
                val retVal3 = downloadTask3()
                Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "All tasks downloaded! ${retVal1}, ${retVal2}, ${retVal3} in ${(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentMillis)/1000} seconds", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                pgBar.visibility = View.GONE

    // Task 1 will take 5 seconds to complete download
    private suspend fun downloadTask1() : String {
        return "Complete";

    // Task 1 will take 8 seconds to complete download    
    private suspend fun downloadTask2() : Int {
        return 100;

    // Task 1 will take 5 seconds to complete download
    private suspend fun downloadTask3() : Float {
        return 4.0f;

在这个例子中,我的代码下载3个数据点击btnCount按钮,并显示pgBar进度条,直到所有下载完成。有3个挂起函数downloadTask1(), downloadTask2()和downloadTask3()用于下载数据。为了模拟它,我在这些函数中使用了delay()。这些函数分别等待5秒,8秒和5秒。


在输出截图Toast中,完成所有3个下载的总执行时间是5秒+ 8秒+ 5秒= 18秒




async返回一个deferred <T>类型的实例,其中T是暂停函数返回的数据类型。例如,

downloadTask1()将返回Deferred<String>,因为String是函数的返回类型 downloadTask2()将返回Deferred<Int>,因为Int是函数的返回类型 downloadTask3()将返回Deferred<Float>,因为Float是函数的返回类型


        btnCount.setOnClickListener {
        pgBar.visibility = View.VISIBLE

        CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {
            val currentMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
            val retVal1 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { downloadTask1() }
            val retVal2 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { downloadTask2() }
            val retVal3 = async(Dispatchers.IO) { downloadTask3() }

            Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "All tasks downloaded! ${retVal1.await()}, ${retVal2.await()}, ${retVal3.await()} in ${(System.currentTimeMillis() - currentMillis)/1000} seconds", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
            pgBar.visibility = View.GONE





Alternate: However, I feel the above difference/approach is a consequence of thinking in terms of Java/one thread per request model. Coroutines are so inexpensive, that if you want to do something from the return value of some task/coroutine(lets say a service call) you are better off creating a new coroutine from that one. If you want a coroutine to wait for another coroutine to transfer some data, I would recommend using channels and not the return value from Deferred object. Using channels and creating as much number of coroutines as required, is the better way IMO



Launch返回Job, Async返回Deferred。有趣的是,Deferred扩展了Job。这意味着它必须在Job之上提供额外的功能。Deferred是在T是返回类型的地方参数化的类型。因此,Deferred对象可以从async方法执行的代码块中返回一些响应。


both coroutine builders namely launch and async are basically lambdas with receiver of type CoroutineScope which means their inner block is compiled as a suspend function, hence they both run in an asynchronous mode AND they both will execute their block sequentially. The difference between launch and async is that they enable two different possibilities. The launch builder returns a Job however the async function will return a Deferred object. You can use launch to execute a block that you don't expect any returned value from it i.e writing to a database or saving a file or processing something basically just called for its side effect. On the other hand async which return a Deferred as I stated previously returns a useful value from the execution of its block, an object that wraps your data, so you can use it for mainly its result but possibly for its side effect as well. N.B: you can strip the deferred and get its value using the function await, which will block the execution of your statements until a value is returned or an exceptions is thrown! You could achieve the same thing with launch by using the function join() both coroutine builder (launch and async) are cancelable. anything more?: yep with launch if an exception is thrown within its block, the coroutine is automatically canceled and the exceptions is delivered. On the other hand, if that happens with async the exception is not propagated further and should be caught/handled within the returned Deferred object. more on coroutines https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/coroutines/coroutines-basic-jvm.html https://www.codementor.io/blog/kotlin-coroutines-6n53p8cbn1






async和launch之间的关键区别: Deferred在协程完成执行后返回类型为T的特定值,而Job则不会。