class Tree(dict):
"""A tree implementation using python's autovivification feature."""
def __missing__(self, key):
value = self[key] = type(self)()
return value
#cast a (nested) dict to a (nested) Tree class
def __init__(self, data={}):
for k, data in data.items():
if isinstance(data, dict):
self[k] = type(self)(data)
self[k] = data
作为一个字典,但提供尽可能多的嵌套字典。 试试下面的方法:
your_tree = Tree()
your_tree['a']['1']['x'] = '@'
your_tree['a']['1']['y'] = '#'
your_tree['a']['2']['x'] = '$'
your_tree['a']['3'] = '%'
your_tree['b'] = '*'
{'a': {'1': {'x': '@', 'y': '#'}, '2': {'x': '$'}, '3': '%'}, 'b': '*'}
... 如果你已经有字典了,它会把每一层都投射到一棵树上:
d = {'foo': {'amy': {'what': 'runs'} } }
tree = Tree(d)
print(d['foo']['amy']['what']) # returns 'runs'
d['foo']['amy']['when'] = 'now' # add new branch
这样,你就可以随心所欲地编辑/添加/删除每个词典级别。 遍历等所有dict方法仍然适用。
from treelib import Node, Tree
tree = Tree() # creating an object
tree.create_node("Harry", "harry") # root node
tree.create_node("Jane", "jane", parent="harry") #adding nodes
tree.create_node("Bill", "bill", parent="harry")
tree.create_node("Diane", "diane", parent="jane")
tree.create_node("Mary", "mary", parent="diane")
tree.create_node("Mark", "mark", parent="jane")
├── Bill
└── Jane
├── Diane
│ └── Mary
└── Mark
NetworkX是一个用于创建、操作和研究的Python包 复杂网络的结构、动力学和功能。
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_edge('A', 'B')
G.add_edge('B', 'C')
G.add_edge('B', 'D')
G.add_edge('A', 'E')
G.add_edge('E', 'F')
def addBallotToTree(self, tree, ballotIndex, ballot=""):
"""Add one ballot to the tree.
The root of the tree is a dictionary that has as keys the indicies of all
continuing and winning candidates. For each candidate, the value is also
a dictionary, and the keys of that dictionary include "n" and "bi".
tree[c]["n"] is the number of ballots that rank candidate c first.
tree[c]["bi"] is a list of ballot indices where the ballots rank c first.
If candidate c is a winning candidate, then that portion of the tree is
expanded to indicate the breakdown of the subsequently ranked candidates.
In this situation, additional keys are added to the tree[c] dictionary
corresponding to subsequently ranked candidates.
tree[c]["n"] is the number of ballots that rank candidate c first.
tree[c]["bi"] is a list of ballot indices where the ballots rank c first.
tree[c][d]["n"] is the number of ballots that rank c first and d second.
tree[c][d]["bi"] is a list of the corresponding ballot indices.
Where the second ranked candidates is also a winner, then the tree is
expanded to the next level.
Losing candidates are ignored and treated as if they do not appear on the
ballots. For example, tree[c][d]["n"] is the total number of ballots
where candidate c is the first non-losing candidate, c is a winner, and
d is the next non-losing candidate. This will include the following
ballots, where x represents a losing candidate:
[c d]
[x c d]
[c x d]
[x c x x d]
During the count, the tree is dynamically updated as candidates change
their status. The parameter "tree" to this method may be the root of the
tree or may be a sub-tree.
if ballot == "":
# Add the complete ballot to the tree
weight, ballot = self.b.getWeightedBallot(ballotIndex)
# When ballot is not "", we are adding a truncated ballot to the tree,
# because a higher-ranked candidate is a winner.
weight = self.b.getWeight(ballotIndex)
# Get the top choice among candidates still in the running
# Note that we can't use Ballots.getTopChoiceFromWeightedBallot since
# we are looking for the top choice over a truncated ballot.
for c in ballot:
if c in self.continuing | self.winners:
break # c is the top choice so stop
c = None # no candidates left on this ballot
if c is None:
# This will happen if the ballot contains only winning and losing
# candidates. The ballot index will not need to be transferred
# again so it can be thrown away.
# Create space if necessary.
if not tree.has_key(c):
tree[c] = {}
tree[c]["n"] = 0
tree[c]["bi"] = []
tree[c]["n"] += weight
if c in self.winners:
# Because candidate is a winner, a portion of the ballot goes to
# the next candidate. Pass on a truncated ballot so that the same
# candidate doesn't get counted twice.
i = ballot.index(c)
ballot2 = ballot[i+1:]
self.addBallotToTree(tree[c], ballotIndex, ballot2)
# Candidate is in continuing so we stop here.
class Tree:
def __init__(self):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.data = None
root = Tree()
root.data = "root"
root.left = Tree()
root.left.data = "left"
root.right = Tree()
root.right.data = "right"
class Tree:
def __init__(self, data):
self.children = []
self.data = data
left = Tree("left")
middle = Tree("middle")
right = Tree("right")
root = Tree("root")
root.children = [left, middle, right]
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