For example, I have a program that uses the ternery operator (new in 2.5) and "with" blocks
(new in 2.6). I wrote a simple little interpreter-version
checker routine which is the first thing the script would
call ... except it doesn't get that far. Instead, the
script fails during python compilation, before my routines
are even called. Thus the user of the script sees some very
obscure synax error tracebacks - which pretty much require
an expert to deduce that it is simply the case of running
the wrong version of Python.
import sys
if sys.version_info < (2, 4):
raise "must use python 2.5 or greater"
# syntax error in 2.4, ok in 2.5
x = 1 if True else 2
print x
$ ~/bin/python2.4 tern.py
must use python 2.5 or greater
$ ~/bin/python2.4 tern.py
File "tern.py", line 5
x = 1 if True else 2
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
You can put off the compile step and make it happen at run time for a single line of code, if you want to, by using eval, as noted above, but I personally prefer to avoid doing that, because it causes Python to perform potentially unnecessary run-time compilation, for one thing, and for another, it creates what to me feels like code clutter. (If you want, you can generate code that generates code that generates code - and have an absolutely fabulous time modifying and debugging that in 6 months from now.) So what I would recommend instead is something more like this:
import sys
if sys.hexversion < 0x02060000:
from my_module_2_5 import thisFunc, thatFunc, theOtherFunc
from my_module import thisFunc, thatFunc, theOtherFunc
. .即使我只有一个使用新语法的函数,而且它非常短,我也会这样做。(事实上,我会采取一切合理的措施来减少这类函数的数量和大小。我甚至可以写一个像ifTrueAElseB(cond, a, b)这样的函数,其中只有一行语法。)
value = 'yes' if MyVarIsTrue else 'no'
value = MyVarIsTrue and 'yes' or 'no'
这是写三元表达式的老方法。我还没有安装Python 3,但据我所知,这种“旧”方式至今仍然有效,所以如果你需要支持使用旧版本的Python,你可以自己决定是否有条件地使用新语法。