
Start Date: 2007-03-24 
End Date: 2009-06-26


2 years, 3 months and 2 days






$ISOstartDate   = "1987-06-22";
$ISOtodaysDate = "2013-06-22";

//我们需要将ISO yyyy-mm-dd格式分解为yyyy-mm-d格式,如下所示:



// Lets Sort of the Years!
// Lets Sort out the difference in YEARS between startDate and todaysDate ::
$years = $zDate[0][0] - $yDate[0][0];

// We need to collaborate if the month = month = 0, is before or after the Years Anniversary ie 11 months 22 days or 0 months 10 days...
if ($months == 0 and $zDate[0][1] > $ydate[0][1]) {
    $years = $years -1;
// TEST result
echo "\nCurrent years => ".$years;

// Lets Sort out the difference in MONTHS between startDate and todaysDate ::
$months = $zDate[0][1] - $yDate[0][1];

// TEST result
echo "\nCurrent months => ".$months;

// Now how many DAYS has there been - this assumes that there is NO LEAP years, so the calculation is APPROXIMATE not 100%
// Lets cross reference the startDates Month = how many days are there in each month IF m-m = 0 which is a years anniversary
// We will use a switch to check the number of days between each month so we can calculate days before and after the years anniversary

switch ($yDate[0][1]){
    case 01:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Jan
    case 02:    $monthDays = '28';  break;  // Feb
    case 03:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Mar
    case 04:    $monthDays = '30';  break;  // Apr
    case 05:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // May
    case 06:    $monthDays = '30';  break;  // Jun
    case 07:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Jul
    case 08:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Aug
    case 09:    $monthDays = '30';  break;  // Sept
    case 10:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Oct
    case 11:    $monthDays = '30';  break;  // Nov
    case 12:    $monthDays = '31';  break;  // Dec
// TEST return
echo "\nDays in start month ".$yDate[0][1]." => ".$monthDays;

// Lets correct the problem with 0 Months - is it 11 months + days, or 0 months +days???

$days = $zDate[0][2] - $yDate[0][2] +$monthDays;
echo "\nCurrent days => ".$days."\n";

// Lets now Correct the months to being either 11 or 0 Months, depending upon being + or - the years Anniversary date 
// At the same time build in error correction for Anniversary dates not being 1yr 0m 31d... see if ($days == $monthDays )
if($days < $monthDays && $months == 0)
    $months = 11;       // If Before the years anniversary date
else    {
    $months = 0;        // If After the years anniversary date
    $years = $years+1;  // Add +1 to year
    $days = $days-$monthDays;   // Need to correct days to how many days after anniversary date
// Day correction for Anniversary dates
if ($days == $monthDays )   // if todays date = the Anniversary DATE! set days to ZERO
    $days = 0;          // days set toZERO so 1 years 0 months 0 days

    echo "\nTherefore, the number of years/ months/ days/ \nbetween start and todays date::\n\n";

    printf("%d years, %d months, %d days\n", $years, $months, $days);






$date1 = date_create("2007-03-24");
$date2 = date_create("2009-06-26");

$dateDifference = date_diff($date1, $date2)->format('%y years, %m months and %d days');

echo $dateDifference;


2 years, 3 months and 2 days

有关更多信息,请阅读PHP date_diff手册





$diff = abs($endDate - $startDate);
print("$my_t[year] years, $my_t[month] months and $my_t[mday] days");


$startDate = strtotime($startDateStr);
$endDate = strtotime($endDateStr);



mysql> select firstName, convert_tz(loginDate, '+00:00', '-04:00') as loginDate, TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, loginDate, now()) as 'Day', TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, loginDate, now())+4 as 'Hour', TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE, loginDate, now())+(60*4) as 'Min', TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, loginDate, now())+(60*60*4) as 'Sec' from User_ where userId != '10158' AND userId != '10198' group by emailAddress order by loginDate desc;
 | firstName | loginDate           | Day  | Hour | Min  | Sec    |
 | Peter     | 2014-03-30 18:54:40 |    0 |    4 |  244 |  14644 |
 | Keith     | 2014-03-30 18:54:11 |    0 |    4 |  244 |  14673 |
 | Andres    | 2014-03-28 09:20:10 |    2 |   61 | 3698 | 221914 |
 | Nadeem    | 2014-03-26 09:33:43 |    4 |  109 | 6565 | 393901 |
 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


$date1 = date_create("2017-11-27");
$date2 = date_create("2018-12-29");
$months = $diff->format("%m months");
$years = $diff->format("%y years");
$days = $diff->format("%d days");

echo $years .' '.$months.' '.$days;


1 years 1 months 2 days
function showTime($time){

    $start      = strtotime($time);
    $end        = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
    $minutes    = ($end - $start)/60;

    // years 
    if(($minutes / (60*24*365)) > 1){
        $years = floor($minutes/(60*24*365));
        return "From $years year( s ) ago";

    // monthes 
    if(($minutes / (60*24*30)) > 1){
        $monthes = floor($minutes/(60*24*30));
        return "From $monthes monthe( s ) ago";

    // days 
    if(($minutes / (60*24)) > 1){
        $days = floor($minutes/(60*24));
        return "From $days day( s ) ago";

    // hours 
    if(($minutes / 60) > 1){
        $hours = floor($minutes/60);
        return "From $hours hour( s ) ago";

    // minutes 
    if($minutes > 1){
        $minutes = floor($minutes);
        return "From $minutes minute( s ) ago";

echo showTime('2022-05-05 21:33:00');