In every instance in all of my classes where I reference, the R is in red and it says "cannot resolve symbol R". Also every time there is R.layout.something it is underlined in red and says "cannot resolve method setContentView(?)". The project always builds fine. It is annoying to see this all the time. I have read many other questions on here about something similar but most involved importing projects from Eclipse. I am using what I believe to be the most recent version of Android Studio and the project was created with Android Studio and worked without any "cannot resolve R" problems. I would like to know what causes this if anyone knows.


我也有这个问题。简单的“gradlew clean”和“gradlew build”就成功了。

点击Build->Clean Project,将执行gradle Clean



maven { url "" }




1) Sync Project with gradle files
2) Build -> Clean Project
3) Build -> Rebuild Project
4) File -> Invalidate caches

//imp step
5) Check your xml files properly.`

我想我有终极解决方案了。我做了一项研究,发现Android Studio讨厌在安装路径或目录中设置“空白”。它不接受放置在包含空白的目录中的SDK。例如

C: \ Program Files \ Android \ sdk (x86)

此目录无效,因为它包含空白。在这里,我已经回答了一个问题,一个人无法在Android Studio中更改他的JDK路径,因为他的SDK目录中有一个空白。这很奇怪,但似乎Android Studio讨厌有空格的目录。所以解是-

将Android Studio和Android SDK安装在一个没有任何空白的目录或路径中。

例如-安装Android Studio


并安装Android SDK


这两个目录都是有效的,因为没有任何空白。每个不包含空格的路径都是有效的。它还解决了其他问题,如“Failed to resolve: junit:junit:4.12”或“Gradle同步项目失败”等。

这是最近删除的xml造成的 在Android Studio中,从这些xml中清除你的项目,选择: Build ->清洁项目