/* author Keith Evetts 2009 License: LGPL
anonymous function sets up:
global function SETCONST (String name, mixed value)
global function CONST (String name)
constants once set may not be altered - console error is generated
they are retrieved as CONST(name)
the object holding the constants is private and cannot be accessed from the outer script directly, only through the setter and getter provided
var constants = {};
self.SETCONST = function(name,value) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('constant name is not a string'); }
if (!value) { throw new Error(' no value supplied for constant ' + name); }
else if ((name in constants) ) { throw new Error('constant ' + name + ' is already defined'); }
else {
constants[name] = value;
return true;
self.CONST = function(name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('constant name is not a string'); }
if ( name in constants ) { return constants[name]; }
else { throw new Error('constant ' + name + ' has not been defined'); }
// ------------- demo ----------------------------
SETCONST( 'VAT', 0.175 );
alert( CONST('VAT') );
//try to alter the value of VAT
SETCONST( 'VAT', 0.22 );
} catch ( exc ) {
alert (exc.message);
//check old value of VAT remains
alert( CONST('VAT') );
// try to get at constants object directly
constants['DODO'] = "dead bird"; // error
/* author Keith Evetts 2009 License: LGPL
anonymous function sets up:
global function SETCONST (String name, mixed value)
global function CONST (String name)
constants once set may not be altered - console error is generated
they are retrieved as CONST(name)
the object holding the constants is private and cannot be accessed from the outer script directly, only through the setter and getter provided
var constants = {};
self.SETCONST = function(name,value) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('constant name is not a string'); }
if (!value) { throw new Error(' no value supplied for constant ' + name); }
else if ((name in constants) ) { throw new Error('constant ' + name + ' is already defined'); }
else {
constants[name] = value;
return true;
self.CONST = function(name) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new Error('constant name is not a string'); }
if ( name in constants ) { return constants[name]; }
else { throw new Error('constant ' + name + ' has not been defined'); }
// ------------- demo ----------------------------
SETCONST( 'VAT', 0.175 );
alert( CONST('VAT') );
//try to alter the value of VAT
SETCONST( 'VAT', 0.22 );
} catch ( exc ) {
alert (exc.message);
//check old value of VAT remains
alert( CONST('VAT') );
// try to get at constants object directly
constants['DODO'] = "dead bird"; // error
const MY_CONSTANT = "some-value";
这将工作在几乎所有的浏览器除了ie8, 9和10。有些可能还需要启用严格模式。
var MY_CONSTANT = "some-value";
var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'CONSTANT', {
configurable: false
enumerable: true,
writable: false,
value: "your constant value"
请在Mozilla MDN上查看更多细节。它不是第一级变量,因为它是附加到对象上的,但如果你有一个作用域,你可以将它附加到那个对象上。这也可以。 例如,在全局作用域中这样做会在窗口上声明一个伪常量值(这是个坏主意,你不应该粗心地声明全局变量)
Object.defineProperty(this, 'constant', {
enumerable: true,
writable: false,
value: 7,
configurable: false
> constant
=> 7
> constant = 5
=> 7
const name1 = value;