正如make clean删除makefile生成的所有文件一样,我想对CMake做同样的事情。我经常发现自己手动地在目录中删除像cmake_install这样的文件。cmake和CMakeCache.txt,以及CMakeFiles文件夹。

是否有像cmake clean这样的命令来自动删除所有这些文件?理想情况下,这应该遵循当前目录的CMakeLists.txt文件中定义的递归结构。


当然,外部构建是Unix makefile的首选方法,但如果您使用的是其他生成器,如Eclipse CDT,它更喜欢您构建内源。在这种情况下,您需要手动清除CMake文件。试试这个:

find . -name 'CMakeCache.txt' -o -name '*.cmake' -o -name 'Makefile' -o -name 'CMakeFiles' -exec rm -rf {} +

或者,如果你已经通过shop -s globstar启用了globstar,试试这个不那么恶心的方法:

rm -rf **/CMakeCache.txt **/*.cmake **/Makefile **/CMakeFiles


简单地发布rm CMakeCache.txt也适用于我。

CMake 3。X

CMake 3.0及以上版本提供了一个“干净”的目标。这将删除任何工件,如目标文件、库文件、可执行文件、生成文件等。

cmake --build C:/foo/build/ --target clean


cmake --build C:/foo/build --clean-first


# Just delete the build folder
rm C:/foo/build -rf

# You can also just let git delete the build folder as well
git clean -d -f -x

CMake 3.24

现在在CMake 3.24中,你可以执行一个新的构建树配置。这将删除任何现有的CMakeCache.txt文件和相关的CMakeFiles/目录,并从头开始重新创建它们。


你想清除CMakeCache.txt中的缓存变量 您希望更改编译器 任何与CMake缓存相关的其他操作

cmake -B C:/foo/build --fresh

也许它有点过时,但由于这是你谷歌cmake clean时的第一个热门,我将添加这个:







Some build trees created with GNU autotools have a "make distclean" target that cleans the build and also removes Makefiles and other parts of the generated build system. CMake does not generate a "make distclean" target because CMakeLists.txt files can run scripts and arbitrary commands; CMake has no way of tracking exactly which files are generated as part of running CMake. Providing a distclean target would give users the false impression that it would work as expected. (CMake does generate a "make clean" target to remove files generated by the compiler and linker.) A "make distclean" target is only necessary if the user performs an in-source build. CMake supports in-source builds, but we strongly encourage users to adopt the notion of an out-of-source build. Using a build tree that is separate from the source tree will prevent CMake from generating any files in the source tree. Because CMake does not change the source tree, there is no need for a distclean target. One can start a fresh build by deleting the build tree or creating a separate build tree.

CMake 3。X

CMake 3。X提供了一个“干净”的目标。

cmake --build C:/foo/build/ --target clean


--clean-first  = Build target 'clean' first, then build.
                 (To clean only, use --target 'clean'.)

CMake 2。X

在cmake版本2中没有cmake clean。X

我通常在一个类似“build”的文件夹中构建项目。如果我想弄清楚,我可以rm -rf构建。

在与根目录“CMakeLists.txt”相同的目录中的“build”文件夹通常是一个不错的选择。要构建你的项目,你只需要把CMakeLists.txt文件的位置作为参数给cmake。例如:cd <location-of-cmakelists>/build && cmake…(从@ComicSansMS)