函数返回字符串中匹配的模式或替换的值。 子遍历一列数据并提取与相邻单元格的匹配项。 需要什么设置? Excel中正则表达式的特殊字符是什么?
我知道Regex在很多情况下并不理想(使用或不使用正则表达式?),因为excel可以使用Left, Mid, Right, Instr类型的命令进行类似的操作。
函数返回字符串中匹配的模式或替换的值。 子遍历一列数据并提取与相邻单元格的匹配项。 需要什么设置? Excel中正则表达式的特殊字符是什么?
我知道Regex在很多情况下并不理想(使用或不使用正则表达式?),因为excel可以使用Left, Mid, Right, Instr类型的命令进行类似的操作。
Open Excel workbook. Alt+F11 to open VBA/Macros window. Add reference to regex under Tools then References and selecting Microsoft VBScript Regular Expression 5.5 Insert a new module (code needs to reside in the module otherwise it doesn't work). In the newly inserted module, add the following code: Function RegxFunc(strInput As String, regexPattern As String) As String Dim regEx As New RegExp With regEx .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .pattern = regexPattern End With If regEx.Test(strInput) Then Set matches = regEx.Execute(strInput) RegxFunc = matches(0).Value Else RegxFunc = "not matched" End If End Function The regex pattern is placed in one of the cells and absolute referencing is used on it. Function will be tied to workbook that its created in. If there's a need for it to be used in different workbooks, store the function in Personal.XLSB
Make sure you are in a Macro Enabled Excel File (save as xlsm). Open developer tools Alt + F11 Add Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 as in other answers Create the following function either in workbook or in its own module: Function REGPLACE(myRange As Range, matchPattern As String, outputPattern As String) As Variant Dim regex As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp Dim strInput As String strInput = myRange.Value With regex .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = matchPattern End With REGPLACE = regex.Replace(strInput, outputPattern) End Function Then you can use in cell with =REGPLACE(B1, "(\w) (\d+)", "$1$2") (ex: "A 243" to "A243")
=REGEXMATCH(A2, "[0-9]+")
我不想启用一个参考库,因为我需要我的脚本是可移植的。Dim foo作为新的VBScript_RegExp_55。RegExp行导致了User Defined Type Not Defined错误,但我找到了一个适合我的解决方案。
更新RE评论w/ @chrisneilsen:
I was under the impression that enabling a reference library was tied to the local computers settings, but it is in fact, tied directly to the workbook. So, you can enable a reference library, share a macro enabled workbook and the end user wouldn't have to enable the library as well. Caveat: The advantage to Late Binding is that the developer does not have to worry about the wrong version of an object library being installed on the user's computer. This likely would not be an issue w/ the VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp library, but I'm not sold that the "performance" benifit is worth it for me at this time, as we are talking imperceptible milliseconds in my code. I felt this deserved an update to help others understand. If you enable the reference library, you can use "early bind", but if you don't, as far as I can tell, the code will work fine, but you need to "late bind" and loose on some performance/debugging features.
Public Sub RegExSearch()
Dim regexp As Object
'Dim regex As New VBScript_RegExp_55.regexp 'Caused "User Defined Type Not Defined" Error
Dim rng As Range, rcell As Range
Dim strInput As String, strPattern As String
Set regexp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A1")
strPattern = "([a-z]{2})([0-9]{8})"
'Search for 2 Letters then 8 Digits Eg: XY12345678 = Matched
With regexp
.Global = False
.MultiLine = False
.ignoreCase = True
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
For Each rcell In rng.Cells
If strPattern <> "" Then
strInput = rcell.Value
If regexp.test(strInput) Then
MsgBox rcell & " Matched in Cell " & rcell.Address
MsgBox "No Matches!"
End If
End If
End Sub
Function RegParse(ByVal pattern As String, ByVal html As String)
Dim regex As RegExp
Set regex = New RegExp
With regex
.IgnoreCase = True 'ignoring cases while regex engine performs the search.
.pattern = pattern 'declaring regex pattern.
.Global = False 'restricting regex to find only first match.
If .Test(html) Then 'Testing if the pattern matches or not
mStr = .Execute(html)(0) '.Execute(html)(0) will provide the String which matches with Regex
RegParse = .Replace(mStr, "$1") '.Replace function will replace the String with whatever is in the first set of braces - $1.
RegParse = "#N/A"
End If
End With
End Function
要对其使用正则表达式的文本。 正则表达式。 指定结果外观的格式字符串。它可以包含$0、$1、$2等等。$0是整个匹配,$1及以上分别对应正则表达式中的匹配组。默认为$0。
=regex("Peter Gordon: some@email.com, 47", "\w+@\w+\.\w+")
=regex("Peter Gordon: some@email.com, 47", "\w+@\w+\.\w+", "$0")
=regex("Peter Gordon: some@email.com, 47", "^(.+): (.+), (\d+)$", "E-Mail: $2, Name: $1")
搜索结果:E-Mail: some@email.com,姓名:Peter Gordon
=regex("Peter Gordon: some@email.com, 47", "^(.+): (.+), (\d+)$", "$" & 1)
=regex("Peter Gordon: some@email.com, 47", "^(.+): (.+), (\d+)$", "$" & 2)
In Excel in a Macro enabled file ('.xlsm') push ALT+F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor. Add VBA reference to the Regular Expressions library (shamelessly copied from Portland Runners++ answer): Click on Tools -> References (please excuse the german screenshot) Find Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 in the list and tick the checkbox next to it. Click OK. Click on Insert Module. If you give your module a different name make sure the Module does not have the same name as the UDF below (e.g. naming the Module Regex and the function regex causes #NAME! errors). In the big text window in the middle insert the following: Function regex(strInput As String, matchPattern As String, Optional ByVal outputPattern As String = "$0") As Variant Dim inputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, outputRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp, outReplaceRegexObj As New VBScript_RegExp_55.RegExp Dim inputMatches As Object, replaceMatches As Object, replaceMatch As Object Dim replaceNumber As Integer With inputRegexObj .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = matchPattern End With With outputRegexObj .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False .Pattern = "\$(\d+)" End With With outReplaceRegexObj .Global = True .MultiLine = True .IgnoreCase = False End With Set inputMatches = inputRegexObj.Execute(strInput) If inputMatches.Count = 0 Then regex = False Else Set replaceMatches = outputRegexObj.Execute(outputPattern) For Each replaceMatch In replaceMatches replaceNumber = replaceMatch.SubMatches(0) outReplaceRegexObj.Pattern = "\$" & replaceNumber If replaceNumber = 0 Then outputPattern = outReplaceRegexObj.Replace(outputPattern, inputMatches(0).Value) Else If replaceNumber > inputMatches(0).SubMatches.Count Then 'regex = "A to high $ tag found. Largest allowed is $" & inputMatches(0).SubMatches.Count & "." regex = CVErr(xlErrValue) Exit Function Else outputPattern = outReplaceRegexObj.Replace(outputPattern, inputMatches(0).SubMatches(replaceNumber - 1)) End If End If Next regex = outputPattern End If End Function Save and close the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Editor window.