什么是ANSI编码格式?它是系统默认格式吗? 它和ASCII有什么不同?
命名ANSI是不正确的,因为它实际上是定义此代码页的ISO/IEC 8859规范。参考ISO/ iec8859。从ISO/IEC 8859-1到ISO/IEC 8859-16共有16个代码页。
Windows-1252也是基于ISO/IEC 8859-1进行了一些修改,主要是在C1控件的范围内设置为128到159。维基百科指出,Windows-1252也被称为ISO-8859-1,在ISO和8859之间有第二个连字符。(难以置信!谁会做这种事?!?)
ANSI encoding is a slightly generic term used to refer to the standard code page on a system, usually Windows. It is more properly referred to as Windows-1252 on Western/U.S. systems. (It can represent certain other Windows code pages on other systems.) This is essentially an extension of the ASCII character set in that it includes all the ASCII characters with an additional 128 character codes. This difference is due to the fact that "ANSI" encoding is 8-bit rather than 7-bit as ASCII is (ASCII is almost always encoded nowadays as 8-bit bytes with the MSB set to 0). See the article for an explanation of why this encoding is usually referred to as ANSI.
Once upon a time Microsoft, like everyone else, used 7-bit character sets, and they invented their own when it suited them, though they kept ASCII as a core subset. Then they realised the world had moved on to 8-bit encodings and that there were international standards around, such as the ISO-8859 family. In those days, if you wanted to get hold of an international standard and you lived in the US, you bought it from the American National Standards Institute, ANSI, who republished international standards with their own branding and numbers (that's because the US government wants conformance to American standards, not international standards). So Microsoft's copy of ISO-8859 said "ANSI" on the cover. And because Microsoft weren't very used to standards in those days, they didn't realise that ANSI published lots of other standards as well. So they referred to the standards in the ISO-8859 family (and the variants that they invented, because they didn't really understand standards in those days) by the name on the cover, "ANSI", and it found its way into Microsoft user documentation and hence into the user community. That was about 30 years ago, but you still sometimes hear the name today.