就目前而言,我是一名Java和c#开发人员。我对Ruby on Rails看得越多,我就越想学习它。


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这也是一本好书 http://guides.rubyonrails.org/




Why's poignant guide to ruby: excellent introduction to the Ruby language by the infamous _why. Agile web development with rails book: great book with some good in-depth follow alongs Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl (railstutotrial.org): this has been my favorite resource. Hartl's style of walking you through demo apps and explaining everything just made things click for me. Rails for Zombies - ran through this twice, great for reinforcing the basics. Railscasts - I started following this along at first, but they were not helpful until now that I am just really starting to grasp Rails. I would leave these for the end after you have got your feet wet. Think Vitamin's rails tutorials were also pretty good. I followed along these screen casts at first, to feel out the language and then did them again towards the end. The "Learning Rails" podcast, although outdated (Rails 2) was also a good starting resource. I listened to this while driving/working out.



有一个叫Softies on Rails的网站,是由几个前程序员编写的。NET开发人员可能会有一些用处。他们有一本书叫《Rails for .NET开发者》,将在接下来的几个月出版……





学习Ruby的好链接: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Ruby_Programming


Have a simple web project in mind. Go to rubyonrails.org and look at their "Blog in 15 minutes" screencast to get excited. Get a copy of O'Reilly Media's Learning Ruby Get a Mac or Linux box. (Fewer early Rails frustrations due to the fact that Rails is generally developed on these.) Get a copy of Agile Web Development with Rails. Get the version of Ruby and Rails described in that book. Run through that book's first section to get a feel for what it's like. Go to railscasts.com and view at the earliest videos for a closer look. Buy The Rails Way by Obie Fernandez to get a deeper understanding of Rails and what it's doing. Then upgrade to the newest production version of Rails, and view the latest railscasts.com videos.