

static bool ByteArrayCompare(byte[] a1, byte[] a2)
    if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
        return false;

    for (int i=0; i<a1.Length; i++)
        if (a1[i]!=a2[i])
            return false;

    return true;


java.util.Arrays.equals((sbyte[])(Array)a1, (sbyte[])(Array)a2);




如果您正在寻找一个非常快速的字节数组相等比较器,我建议您看看STSdb Labs的这篇文章:字节数组相等比较器。它提供了byte[]数组相等比较的一些最快的实现,并进行了性能测试和总结。


bigendianbytearraycompararer -快速字节[]数组从左到右的比较器(BigEndian) bigendianbytearrayequalitycompararer - -快速字节[]从左到右的相等比较器(BigEndian) 从右到左的快速字节数组比较器(LittleEndian) littleendianbytearrayequalitycompararer -快速字节[]从右向左的相等比较器(LittleEndian)




public bool CompareTwoArrays(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)
   return !array1.Where((t, i) => t != array2[i]).Any();

请注意,这只适用于它们是相同大小的数组。 一个扩展可能是这样的

public bool CompareTwoArrays(byte[] array1, byte[] array2)
   if (array1.Length != array2.Length) return false;
   return !array1.Where((t, i) => t != array2[i]).Any();

如果你不反对这样做,你可以导入j#程序集“vjslib.dll”并使用它的数组。= (byte[], byte[])方法…



public static bool equals(sbyte[] a1, sbyte[] a2)
  if (a1 == a2)
    return true;
  if ((a1 != null) && (a2 != null))
    if (a1.Length != a2.Length)
      return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < a1.Length; i++)
      if (a1[i] != a2[i])
        return false;
    return true;
  return false;


    public bool Compare(byte[] b1, byte[] b2)
        return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b1) == Encoding.ASCII.GetString(b2);

通过这种方式,您可以使用优化的. net字符串比较来进行字节数组比较,而不需要编写不安全的代码。这是它如何在后台完成的:

private unsafe static bool EqualsHelper(String strA, String strB)
    Contract.Requires(strA != null);
    Contract.Requires(strB != null);
    Contract.Requires(strA.Length == strB.Length);

    int length = strA.Length;

    fixed (char* ap = &strA.m_firstChar) fixed (char* bp = &strB.m_firstChar)
        char* a = ap;
        char* b = bp;

        // Unroll the loop

        #if AMD64
            // For the AMD64 bit platform we unroll by 12 and
            // check three qwords at a time. This is less code
            // than the 32 bit case and is shorter
            // pathlength.

            while (length >= 12)
                if (*(long*)a     != *(long*)b)     return false;
                if (*(long*)(a+4) != *(long*)(b+4)) return false;
                if (*(long*)(a+8) != *(long*)(b+8)) return false;
                a += 12; b += 12; length -= 12;
           while (length >= 10)
               if (*(int*)a != *(int*)b) return false;
               if (*(int*)(a+2) != *(int*)(b+2)) return false;
               if (*(int*)(a+4) != *(int*)(b+4)) return false;
               if (*(int*)(a+6) != *(int*)(b+6)) return false;
               if (*(int*)(a+8) != *(int*)(b+8)) return false;
               a += 10; b += 10; length -= 10;

        // This depends on the fact that the String objects are
        // always zero terminated and that the terminating zero is not included
        // in the length. For odd string sizes, the last compare will include
        // the zero terminator.
        while (length > 0)
            if (*(int*)a != *(int*)b) break;
            a += 2; b += 2; length -= 2;

        return (length <= 0);


using System;
using System.Linq;
var a1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3};
var a2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3};
var a3 = new int[] { 1, 2, 4};
var x = a1.SequenceEqual(a2); // true
var y = a1.SequenceEqual(a3); // false

如果你因为某些原因不能使用. net 3.5,你的方法是可以的。 编译器运行时环境会优化你的循环,所以你不需要担心性能。




public unsafe bool SIMDNoFallThrough()    #requires  System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86
    if (a1 == null || a2 == null)
        return false;

    int length0 = a1.Length;

    if (length0 != a2.Length) return false;

    fixed (byte* b00 = a1, b01 = a2)
        byte* b0 = b00, b1 = b01, last0 = b0 + length0, last1 = b1 + length0, last32 = last0 - 31;

        if (length0 > 31)
            while (b0 < last32)
                if (Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(b0), Avx.LoadVector256(b1))) != -1)
                    return false;
                b0 += 32;
                b1 += 32;
            return Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.CompareEqual(Avx.LoadVector256(last0 - 32), Avx.LoadVector256(last1 - 32))) == -1;

        if (length0 > 15)
            if (Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(b0), Sse2.LoadVector128(b1))) != 65535)
                return false;
            return Sse2.MoveMask(Sse2.CompareEqual(Sse2.LoadVector128(last0 - 16), Sse2.LoadVector128(last1 - 16))) == 65535;

        if (length0 > 7)
            if (*(ulong*)b0 != *(ulong*)b1)
                return false;
            return *(ulong*)(last0 - 8) == *(ulong*)(last1 - 8);

        if (length0 > 3)
            if (*(uint*)b0 != *(uint*)b1)
                return false;
            return *(uint*)(last0 - 4) == *(uint*)(last1 - 4);

        if (length0 > 1)
            if (*(ushort*)b0 != *(ushort*)b1)
                return false;
            return *(ushort*)(last0 - 2) == *(ushort*)(last1 - 2);

        return *b0 == *b1;


public unsafe bool LongPointersNoFallThrough()
    if (a1 == null || a2 == null || a1.Length != a2.Length)
        return false;
    fixed (byte* p1 = a1, p2 = a2)
        byte* x1 = p1, x2 = p2;
        int l = a1.Length;
        if ((l & 8) != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < l / 8; i++, x1 += 8, x2 += 8)
                if (*(long*)x1 != *(long*)x2) return false;
            return *(long*)(x1 + (l - 8)) == *(long*)(x2 + (l - 8));
        if ((l & 4) != 0)
            if (*(int*)x1 != *(int*)x2) return false; x1 += 4; x2 += 4;
            return *(int*)(x1 + (l - 4)) == *(int*)(x2 + (l - 4));
        if ((l & 2) != 0)
            if (*(short*)x1 != *(short*)x2) return false; x1 += 2; x2 += 2;
            return *(short*)(x1 + (l - 2)) == *(short*)(x2 + (l - 2));
        return *x1 == *x2;