A recent talk about unordered_map in C++ made me realize that I should use unordered_map for most cases where I used map before, because of the efficiency of lookup ( amortized O(1) vs. O(log n) ). Most times I use a map, I use either int or std::string as the key type; hence, I've got no problems with the definition of the hash function. The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that I can't find any reason of using a std::map over a std::unordered_map in the case of keys with simple types -- I took a look at the interfaces, and didn't find any significant differences that would impact my code.



另外,我认为正确答案之一可能是“对于较小的数据集更有效”,因为开销更小(是真的吗?)——因此,我希望将这个问题限制在键数量非普通的情况下(>1 024)。





如果你打算一次构建一个大的表,并做很多查询,使用std::unordered_map 如果你要构建一个小的表(可能少于100个元素)并进行大量的查询,请使用std::map。这是因为它的读数是O(log n) 如果你要改变表很多,那么std::map可能是一个不错的选择。 如果你有疑问,请使用std::unordered_map。



It is widely believed that C++ ended up with ordered map as default because there are not too many parameters on how they can be implemented. On the other hand, hash based implementations has tons of things to talk about. So to avoid gridlocks in standardization they just got along with ordered map. Around 2005, many languages already had good implementations of hash based implementation and so it was more easier for the committee to accept new std::unordered_map. In a perfect world, std::map would have been unordered and we would have std::ordered_map as separate type.





map keeps iterators to all elements stable, in C++17 you can even move elements from one map to the other without invalidating iterators to them (and if properly implemented without any potential allocation). map timings for single operations are typically more consistent since they never need large allocations. unordered_map using std::hash as implemented in the libstdc++ is vulnerable to DoS if fed with untrusted input (it uses MurmurHash2 with a constant seed - not that seeding would really help, see https://emboss.github.io/blog/2012/12/14/breaking-murmur-hash-flooding-dos-reloaded/). Being ordered enables efficient range searches, e.g. iterate over all elements with key ≥ 42.








哈希表具有比普通map实现更高的常量,这对于小型容器非常重要。最大尺寸是10个,100个,甚至1000个或更多?常数和以前一样,但是O(log n)接近O(k)。(记住,对数复杂度仍然很好。)



如果你想比较std::map和std::unordered_map实现的速度,你可以使用谷歌的sparsehash项目,它有一个time_hash_map程序来计时。例如,在x86_64 Linux系统上使用gcc 4.4.2

$ ./time_hash_map
TR1 UNORDERED_MAP (4 byte objects, 10000000 iterations):
map_grow              126.1 ns  (27427396 hashes, 40000000 copies)  290.9 MB
map_predict/grow       67.4 ns  (10000000 hashes, 40000000 copies)  232.8 MB
map_replace            22.3 ns  (37427396 hashes, 40000000 copies)
map_fetch              16.3 ns  (37427396 hashes, 40000000 copies)
map_fetch_empty         9.8 ns  (10000000 hashes,        0 copies)
map_remove             49.1 ns  (37427396 hashes, 40000000 copies)
map_toggle             86.1 ns  (20000000 hashes, 40000000 copies)

STANDARD MAP (4 byte objects, 10000000 iterations):
map_grow              225.3 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)  462.4 MB
map_predict/grow      225.1 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)  462.6 MB
map_replace           151.2 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)
map_fetch             156.0 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)
map_fetch_empty         1.4 ns  (       0 hashes,        0 copies)
map_remove            141.0 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)
map_toggle             67.3 ns  (       0 hashes, 20000000 copies)