这就是我想做的: 我有一个对象列表,对象类的成员之一是显示事件持续时间的timedelta对象。我想以小时:分钟的格式显示这个持续时间。
这就是我想做的: 我有一个对象列表,对象类的成员之一是显示事件持续时间的timedelta对象。我想以小时:分钟的格式显示这个持续时间。
>>> from IPython.core.magics.execution import _format_time
>>> for v in range(-9, 10, 2):
... dt = 1.25 * 10**v
... print(_format_time(dt))
1.25 ns
125 ns
12.5 µs
1.25 ms
125 ms
12.5 s
20min 50s
1d 10h 43min 20s
144d 16h 13min 20s
14467d 14h 13min 20s
def pretty_print_timedelta(t, max_components=None, max_decimal_places=2):
Print a pretty string for a timedelta.
For example datetime.timedelta(days=2, seconds=17280) will be printed as '2 days, 4 hours, 48 minutes'. Setting max_components to e.g. 1 will change this to '2.2 days', where the
number of decimal points can also be set.
time_scales = [timedelta(days=365), timedelta(days=1), timedelta(hours=1), timedelta(minutes=1), timedelta(seconds=1), timedelta(microseconds=1000), timedelta(microseconds=1)]
time_scale_names_dict = {timedelta(days=365): 'year',
timedelta(days=1): 'day',
timedelta(hours=1): 'hour',
timedelta(minutes=1): 'minute',
timedelta(seconds=1): 'second',
timedelta(microseconds=1000): 'millisecond',
timedelta(microseconds=1): 'microsecond'}
count = 0
txt = ''
first = True
for scale in time_scales:
if t >= scale:
count += 1
if count == max_components:
n = t / scale
n = int(t / scale)
t -= n*scale
n_txt = str(round(n, max_decimal_places))
if n_txt[-2:]=='.0': n_txt = n_txt[:-2]
txt += '{}{} {}{}'.format('' if first else ', ', n_txt, time_scale_names_dict[scale], 's' if n>1 else '', )
if first:
first = False
if len(txt) == 0:
txt = 'none'
return txt
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000)
datetime.timedelta(0, 41000)
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=41000))
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=4102.33))
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=413302.33))
'4 days, 18:48:22.330000'
def printNiceTimeDelta(stime, etime):
delay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=(etime - stime))
if (delay.days > 0):
out = str(delay).replace(" days, ", ":")
out = "0:" + str(delay)
outAr = out.split(':')
outAr = ["%02d" % (int(float(x))) for x in outAr]
out = ":".join(outAr)
return out
>>> str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=99999999))
'1157 days, 9:46:39'
def seconds_to_time_left_string(total_seconds):
s = int(total_seconds)
years = s // 31104000
if years > 1:
return '%d years' % years
s = s - (years * 31104000)
months = s // 2592000
if years == 1:
r = 'one year'
if months > 0:
r += ' and %d months' % months
return r
if months > 1:
return '%d months' % months
s = s - (months * 2592000)
days = s // 86400
if months == 1:
r = 'one month'
if days > 0:
r += ' and %d days' % days
return r
if days > 1:
return '%d days' % days
s = s - (days * 86400)
hours = s // 3600
if days == 1:
r = 'one day'
if hours > 0:
r += ' and %d hours' % hours
return r
s = s - (hours * 3600)
minutes = s // 60
seconds = s - (minutes * 60)
if hours >= 6:
return '%d hours' % hours
if hours >= 1:
r = '%d hours' % hours
if hours == 1:
r = 'one hour'
if minutes > 0:
r += ' and %d minutes' % minutes
return r
if minutes == 1:
r = 'one minute'
if seconds > 0:
r += ' and %d seconds' % seconds
return r
if minutes == 0:
return '%d seconds' % seconds
if seconds == 0:
return '%d minutes' % minutes
return '%d minutes and %d seconds' % (minutes, seconds)
for i in range(10):
print pow(8, i), seconds_to_time_left_string(pow(8, i))
1 1 seconds
8 8 seconds
64 one minute and 4 seconds
512 8 minutes and 32 seconds
4096 one hour and 8 minutes
32768 9 hours
262144 3 days
2097152 24 days
16777216 6 months
134217728 4 years
from string import Formatter
from datetime import timedelta
def strfdelta(tdelta, fmt='{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02.0f}s', inputtype='timedelta'):
"""Convert a datetime.timedelta object or a regular number to a custom-
formatted string, just like the stftime() method does for datetime.datetime
The fmt argument allows custom formatting to be specified. Fields can
include seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. Each field is optional.
Some examples:
'{D:02}d {H:02}h {M:02}m {S:02.0f}s' --> '05d 08h 04m 02s' (default)
'{W}w {D}d {H}:{M:02}:{S:02.0f}' --> '4w 5d 8:04:02'
'{D:2}d {H:2}:{M:02}:{S:02.0f}' --> ' 5d 8:04:02'
'{H}h {S:.0f}s' --> '72h 800s'
The inputtype argument allows tdelta to be a regular number instead of the
default, which is a datetime.timedelta object. Valid inputtype strings:
's', 'seconds',
'm', 'minutes',
'h', 'hours',
'd', 'days',
'w', 'weeks'
# Convert tdelta to integer seconds.
if inputtype == 'timedelta':
remainder = tdelta.total_seconds()
elif inputtype in ['s', 'seconds']:
remainder = float(tdelta)
elif inputtype in ['m', 'minutes']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*60
elif inputtype in ['h', 'hours']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*3600
elif inputtype in ['d', 'days']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*86400
elif inputtype in ['w', 'weeks']:
remainder = float(tdelta)*604800
f = Formatter()
desired_fields = [field_tuple[1] for field_tuple in f.parse(fmt)]
possible_fields = ('Y','m','W', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'S', 'mS', 'µS')
constants = {'Y':86400*365.24,'m': 86400*30.44 ,'W': 604800, 'D': 86400, 'H': 3600, 'M': 60, 'S': 1, 'mS': 1/pow(10,3) , 'µS':1/pow(10,6)}
values = {}
for field in possible_fields:
if field in desired_fields and field in constants:
Quotient, remainder = divmod(remainder, constants[field])
values[field] = int(Quotient) if field != 'S' else Quotient + remainder
return f.format(fmt, **values)
if __name__ == "__main__":
td = timedelta(days=717, hours=3, minutes=5, seconds=8, microseconds=3549)
print(strfdelta(td,'{Y} years {m} months {W} weeks {D} days {H:02}:{M:02}:{S:02}'))
print(strfdelta(td,'{m} months {W} weeks {D} days {H:02}:{M:02}:{S:02.4f}'))
td = timedelta( seconds=8, microseconds=8549)
print(strfdelta(td,'{S} seconds {mS} milliseconds {µS} microseconds'))
print(strfdelta(td,'{S:.0f} seconds {mS} milliseconds {µS} microseconds'))
1 years 11 months 2 weeks 3 days 01:09:56.00354900211096
23 months 2 weeks 3 days 00:12:20.0035
8.008549 seconds 8 milliseconds 549 microseconds
8 seconds 8 milliseconds 549 microseconds
115d 17h 46m 40s
如果你已经有一个timedelta obj,那么只需将obj转换为字符串。删除字符串的最后3个字符并打印。这将截断秒部分,并以小时:分钟的格式打印其余部分。
t = str(timedeltaobj)
print t[:-3]