对于我正在从事的一个新的node.js项目,我正在考虑从基于cookie的会话方法(我的意思是,将id存储到用户浏览器中包含用户会话的键值存储中)切换到使用JSON Web Tokens (jwt)的基于令牌的会话方法(没有键值存储)。






app.get('/login', function(request, response) {
    var user = {username: request.body.username, password: request.body.password };
    // Validate somehow
    validate(user, function(isValid, profile) {
        // Create session token
        var token= createSessionToken();

        // Add to a key-value database
        KeyValueStore.add({token: {userid: profile.id, expiresInMinutes: 60}});

        // The client should save this session token in a cookie
        response.json({sessionToken: token});


var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
app.get('/login', function(request, response) {
    var user = {username: request.body.username, password: request.body.password };
    // Validate somehow
    validate(user, function(isValid, profile) {
        var token = jwt.sign(profile, 'My Super Secret', {expiresInMinutes: 60});
        response.json({token: token});


会话存储方法的注销(或失效)需要更新KeyValueStore 使用指定的令牌创建数据库。




const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
... your schema code,
destroyAnyJWTbefore: Date

当你在/login上收到POST请求时,将这个文档的日期更改为date .now()


如果您想在服务器端销毁JWT,那么在安全性方面,这个解决方案是最好的。 这个解决方案不再依赖于客户端,它打破了使用jwt的主要目标,即停止在服务器端存储令牌。 这取决于您的项目上下文,但最可能的是您想要从服务器上销毁JWT。







If you are using axios or a similar promise-based http request lib you can simply destroy token on the front-end inside the .then() part. It will be launched in the response .then() part after user executes this function (result code from the server endpoint must be ok, 200). After user clicks this route while searching for data, if database field user_enabled is false it will trigger destroying token and user will immediately be logged-off and stopped from accessing protected routes/pages. We don't have to await for token to expire while user is permanently logged on.

function searchForData() {   // front-end js function, user searches for the data
    // protected route, token that is sent along http request for verification
    var validToken = 'Bearer ' + whereYouStoredToken; // token stored in the browser 

    // route will trigger destroying token when user clicks and executes this func
    axios.post('/my-data', {headers: {'Authorization': validToken}})
     .then((response) => {
   // If Admin set user_enabled in the db as false, we destroy token in the browser localStorage
       if (response.data.user_enabled === false) {  // user_enabled is field in the db
           window.localStorage.clear();  // we destroy token and other credentials
     .catch((e) => {


令牌撤销端点 /领域/{域名}/协议/ openid-connect /撤销






For compromised login credentials, when a new login happens, normally send the user an email notification. So, if the customer doesn't consent to being the one who logged in, they should be advised to do a reset of credentials, which should save to database/cache the date-time the password was last set (and set this too when user sets password during initial registration). Whenever a user action is being authorized, the date-time a user changed their password should be fetched from database/cache and compared to the date-time a given JWT was generated, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of credentials reset, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. That means save the date-time of generation of a JWT as a claim in the JWT itself. In ASP.NET Core, a policy/requirement can be used to do do this comparison, and on failure, the client is forbidden. This consequently logs out the user on the backend, globally, whenever a reset of credentials is done.

For actual theft of JWT... A theft of JWT is not easy to detect but a JWT that expires easily solves this. But what can be done to stop the attacker before the JWT expires? It is with an actual global logout. It is similar to what was described above for credentials reset. For this, normally save on database/cache the date-time a user initiated a global logout, and on authorizing a user action, get it and compare it to the date-time of generation of a given JWT too, and forbid the action for JWTs that were generated before the said date-time of global logout, hence essentially rendering such JWTs useless. This can be done using a policy/requirement in ASP.NET Core, as previously described.


A good approach to invalidating a token would still need database trips. For a purpose that includes when some parts of the user record change, for example changing roles, changing passwords, email, and more. One can add a modified or updated_at field in the user record, which records the time of this change, and then you include this in the claims. So when a JWT is authenticated, you compare the time in the claims with the one recorded in the DB, if that of the claim was before, then token is invalid. This approach is also similar to storing the iat in the DB.
