2024-01-09 08:00:07

log4net vs. nlog


















我最近被要求为一个即将到来的项目“创建一些登录的原型”。我没有任何日志框架的经验。我花了几天时间在Log4Net、NLog和Enterprise Library上研究、浏览教程、制作玩具应用程序等。3-4周后再回来,将它们整合成一个完整的演示版本。希望这些对你们有用。


使用日志facade(例如Common。日志,SimpleLoggingFacade)以避免直接依赖。 如果我们最终要将企业库用于其他功能,那么也要将其用于日志记录。 如果我们最终要使用依赖于Log4Net的东西,那么就使用Log4Net。 如果以上都不是,请使用NLog。我更喜欢这样。


All 3 frameworks are capable and can do some sophisticated things. We want a quality solution, but frankly don't need ultra high performance or 60 types of event sinks. All 3 have very similar basic concepts. Each has its own cool tricks, like really advanced routing, or dynamic log filenames, file truncating, etc. All 3 are pretty well documented in their own way. For a complete newb like me, they were all a little awkward initially. No drastic differences here for the basics. I got over it. When revisiting things a few weeks later, NLog was clearly the easiest to resume. I needed very little brush up on it. With Log4Net, I had to revisit a few online examples to get going. With EntLib, I gave up and did the tutorials all over again from scratch - I was totally lost. I couldn't figure out how to get EntLib to do some things like log to the database. It might be easy, but it was beyond my time limit. Log4Net and NLog have a small in-code footprint. EntLib is spammy, but I'd use a facade over it anyway. I accidentally mis-configured EntLib and it told me at run time. Log4Net didn't. I didn't have an accidental mis-config with NLog. EntLib comes with a nice looking app.config editor, which you 100% need. NLog has a config file schema so you get "intellisense". Log4Net comes with nada.



我被要求评估现有web应用程序的日志框架,在浏览了各种在线论坛后,我将选择范围缩小到NLog (v2.0)和log4net (v1.2.11)。以下是我的发现:

Setting/starting up with NLog is dead easy. You go through the Getting started tutorial on their website and you are done. You get a fair idea, how thing might be with nlog. Config file is so intuitive that anyone can understand the config. For example: if you want to set the internal logging on, you set the flag in Nlog config file's header node, which is where you would expect it to be. In log4net, you set different flags in web.config's appSettings section. In log4net, internal logging doesnt output timestamp which is annoying. In Nlog, you get a nice log with timestamps. I found it very useful in my evaluations. Filters in log4net - You better check my this question - log4net filter - how to write AND filter to ignore log messages and if you find an answer/solution for this, please let me know. I understand, there is a workaround for this question, as you can write your own custom filter. But something which is not easily available in log4net. Performance - I logged around 3000 log messages to database using a stored procedure. I used simple for loop (int i=0; i<3000; i++... to log the same message 3000 times. For the writes: log4net AdoAppender took almost double the time than NLog. Log4net doesnt support asynchronous appender.
