










Hashing uses modulus so any value can fit into a given range We want to randomize collisions Randomize collision meaning there are no patterns as how collisions would happen, or, changing a small part in input would result a completely different hash value To randomize collision, avoid using the base (10 in decimal, 16 in hex) as modulus, because 11 % 10 -> 1, 21 % 10 -> 1, 31 % 10 -> 1, it shows a clear pattern of hash value distribution: value with same last digits will collide Avoid using powers of base (10^2, 10^3, 10^n) as modulus because it also creates a pattern: value with same last n digits matters will collide Actually, avoid using any thing that has factors other than itself and 1, because it creates a pattern: multiples of a factor will be hashed into selected values For example, 9 has 3 as factor, thus 3, 6, 9, ...999213 will always be hashed into 0, 3, 6 12 has 3 and 2 as factor, thus 2n will always be hashed into 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 3n will always be hashed into 0, 3, 6, 9 This will be a problem if input is not evenly distributed, e.g. if many values are of 3n, then we only get 1/3 of all possible hash values and collision is high So by using a prime as a modulus, the only pattern is that multiple of the modulus will always hash into 0, otherwise hash values distributions are evenly spread


考虑键K ={0,1,…,100}和一个哈希表,其中桶数为m = 12。因为3是12的因数,所以是3倍数的键将被散列到是3倍数的存储桶中:

键{0,12、24、36…}将被散列到bucket 0。 键{3,15日,27日,39岁,…}将被散列到桶3。 键{42 6日,18日,30日,…}将被散列到桶6。 键{9日,21日,33岁,45岁,…}将被散列到桶9。








假设你有一个方程: (x + y*z) % key = x且0<x<key且0<z<key。 如果key是一个质数n*y=key对于n中的每一个n为真,对于其他所有数为假。

一个key不是主要示例的例子: X =1, z=2, key=8 因为key/z=4仍然是一个自然数,4成为我们方程的一个解,在这种情况下(n/2)*y = key对于n中的每一个n都成立。这个方程的解的数量实际上翻了一番,因为8不是质数。



(first char) + k * (second char) + k^2 * (third char) + ...






It turns out that "because of the nature of maths", if the constant used in the hash, and the number of buckets, are coprime, then collisions are minimised in some common cases. If they are not coprime, then there are some fairly simple relationships between inputs for which collisions are not minimised. All the hashes come out equal modulo the common factor, which means they'll all fall into the 1/n th of the buckets which have that value modulo the common factor. You get n times as many collisions, where n is the common factor. Since n is at least 2, I'd say it's unacceptable for a fairly simple use case to generate at least twice as many collisions as normal. If some user is going to break our distribution into buckets, we want it to be a freak accident, not some simple predictable usage.


But if the hash function and the hashtable are written independently, then the hashtable doesn't know how the hash function works. It might be using a constant with small factors. If you're lucky it might work completely differently and be nonlinear. If the hash is good enough, then any bucket count is just fine. But a paranoid hashtable can't assume a good hash function, so should use a prime number of buckets. Similarly a paranoid hash function should use a largeish prime constant, to reduce the chance that someone uses a number of buckets which happens to have a common factor with the constant.



[Edit: there's another, more specialized reason to use a prime number of buckets, which is if you handle collisions with linear probing. Then you calculate a stride from the hashcode, and if that stride comes out to be a factor of the bucket count then you can only do (bucket_count / stride) probes before you're back where you started. The case you most want to avoid is stride = 0, of course, which must be special-cased, but to avoid also special-casing bucket_count / stride equal to a small integer, you can just make the bucket_count prime and not care what the stride is provided it isn't 0.]

这个问题与更合适的问题合并,为什么哈希表应该使用素数大小的数组,而不是2的幂。 对于哈希函数本身,这里有很多很好的答案,但对于相关的问题,为什么一些安全关键的哈希表,如glibc,使用质数大小的数组,目前还没有。

通常两张表的幂要快得多。这里有昂贵的h % n => h和位掩码,其中位掩码可以通过大小为n的clz(“计数前导零”)计算。模函数需要做整数除法,这比逻辑和要慢50倍。有一些技巧可以避免取模,比如使用Lemire的https://lemire.me/blog/2016/06/27/a-fast-alternative-to-the-modulo-reduction/,但通常快速哈希表使用2的幂,而安全哈希表使用质数。


Security in this case is defined by attacks on the collision resolution strategy, which is with most hash tables just linear search in a linked list of collisions. Or with the faster open-addressing tables linear search in the table directly. So with power of 2 tables and some internal knowledge of the table, e.g. the size or the order of the list of keys provided by some JSON interface, you get the number of right bits used. The number of ones on the bitmask. This is typically lower than 10 bits. And for 5-10 bits it's trivial to brute force collisions even with the strongest and slowest hash functions. You don't get the full security of your 32bit or 64 bit hash functions anymore. And the point is to use fast small hash functions, not monsters such as murmur or even siphash.




所有32位或64位都与查找桶相关,而不仅仅是几个。 哈希表的大小调整函数比double更自然。最好的生长函数是斐波那契数列,质数更接近于它,而不是翻倍。


计算碰撞次数,并在检测到攻击时中止或休眠,即概率<1%的碰撞次数。比如100个32位哈希表。这就是djb的dns解析器所做的。 当检测到碰撞攻击时,将碰撞链表转换为O(log n)搜索而不是O(n)的树。这就是例如java所做的。


