我需要显示一个货币值的格式1K等于一千,或1.1K, 1.2K, 1.9K等,如果它不是一个偶数千,否则如果低于一千,显示正常500,100,250等,使用JavaScript格式化的数字?
largeNumberFormatter(value: number): any {
let result: any = value;
if (value >= 1e3 && value < 1e6) { result = (value / 1e3).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'K'; }
if (value >= 1e6 && value < 1e9) { result = (value / 1e6).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'M'; }
if (value >= 1e9) { result = (value / 1e9).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'T'; }
return result;
// Configuration const COUNT_FORMATS = [ { // 0 - 999 letter: '', limit: 1e3 }, { // 1,000 - 999,999 letter: 'K', limit: 1e6 }, { // 1,000,000 - 999,999,999 letter: 'M', limit: 1e9 }, { // 1,000,000,000 - 999,999,999,999 letter: 'B', limit: 1e12 }, { // 1,000,000,000,000 - 999,999,999,999,999 letter: 'T', limit: 1e15 } ]; // Format Method: function formatCount(value) { const format = COUNT_FORMATS.find(format => (value < format.limit)); value = (1000 * value / format.limit); value = Math.round(value * 10) / 10; // keep one decimal number, only if needed return (value + format.letter); } // Test: const test = [274, 1683, 56512, 523491, 9523489, 5729532709, 9421032489032]; test.forEach(value => console.log(`${ value } >>> ${ formatCount(value) }`));
var SI_SYMBOL = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];
function abbreviateNumber(number){
// what tier? (determines SI symbol)
var tier = Math.log10(Math.abs(number)) / 3 | 0;
// if zero, we don't need a suffix
if(tier == 0) return number;
// get suffix and determine scale
var suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier];
var scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3);
// scale the number
var scaled = number / scale;
// format number and add suffix
return scaled.toFixed(1) + suffix;
* Shorten number to thousands, millions, billions, etc.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix
* @param {number} num Number to shorten.
* @param {number} [digits=0] The number of digits to appear after the decimal point.
* @returns {string|number}
* @example
* // returns '12.5k'
* shortenLargeNumber(12543, 1)
* @example
* // returns '-13k'
* shortenLargeNumber(-12567)
* @example
* // returns '51M'
* shortenLargeNumber(51000000)
* @example
* // returns 651
* shortenLargeNumber(651)
* @example
* // returns 0.12345
* shortenLargeNumber(0.12345)
function shortenLargeNumber(num, digits) {
var units = ['k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'],
for(var i=units.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
decimal = Math.pow(1000, i+1);
if(num <= -decimal || num >= decimal) {
return +(num / decimal).toFixed(digits) + units[i];
return num;
* @param $n
* @return string
* Use to convert large positive numbers in to short form like 1K+, 100K+, 199K+, 1M+, 10M+, 1B+ etc
function num_format($n) {
$n_format = null;
$suffix = null;
if ($n > 0 && $n < 1000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n);
$suffix = '';
else if ($n == 1000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000); //For PHP only use floor function insted of Math.floor()
$suffix = 'K';
else if ($n > 1000 && $n < 1000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000);
$suffix = 'K+';
} else if ($n == 1000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000);
$suffix = 'M';
} else if ($n > 1000000 && $n < 1000000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000);
$suffix = 'M+';
} else if ($n == 1000000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000000);
$suffix = 'B';
} else if ($n > 1000000000 && $n < 1000000000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000000);
$suffix = 'B+';
} else if ($n == 1000000000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000000000);
$suffix = 'T';
} else if ($n >= 1000000000000) {
$n_format = Math.floor($n / 1000000000000);
$suffix = 'T+';
/***** For PHP ******/
// return !empty($n_format . $suffix) ? $n_format . $suffix : 0;
/***** For Javascript ******/
return ($n_format + $suffix).length > 0 ? $n_format + $suffix : 0;
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