HashMap, LinkedHashMap和TreeMap在Java中的区别是什么? 我在输出中没有看到任何不同,因为这三个都有keySet和values。什么是哈希表?

Map m1 = new HashMap();
m1.put("map", "HashMap");
m1.put("schildt", "java2");
m1.put("mathew", "Hyden");
m1.put("schildt", "java2s");

SortedMap sm = new TreeMap();
sm.put("map", "TreeMap");
sm.put("schildt", "java2");
sm.put("mathew", "Hyden");
sm.put("schildt", "java2s");

LinkedHashMap lm = new LinkedHashMap();
lm.put("map", "LinkedHashMap");
lm.put("schildt", "java2");
lm.put("mathew", "Hyden");
lm.put("schildt", "java2s");



Property HashMap TreeMap LinkedHashMap
Iteration Order no guaranteed order, will remain constant over time sorted according to the natural ordering insertion-order
Get / put / remove / containsKey O(1) O(log(n)) O(1)
Interfaces Map NavigableMap, Map, SortedMap Map
Null values/keys allowed only values allowed
Fail-fast behavior Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification
Implementation buckets Red-Black Tree double-linked buckets
Is synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized



Property HashMap TreeMap LinkedHashMap
Iteration Order no guaranteed order, will remain constant over time sorted according to the natural ordering insertion-order
Get / put / remove / containsKey O(1) O(log(n)) O(1)
Interfaces Map NavigableMap, Map, SortedMap Map
Null values/keys allowed only values allowed
Fail-fast behavior Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification
Implementation buckets Red-Black Tree double-linked buckets
Is synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized

@Amit: SortedMap is an interface whereas TreeMap is a class which implements the SortedMap interface. That means if follows the protocol which SortedMap asks its implementers to do. A tree unless implemented as search tree, can't give you ordered data because tree can be any kind of tree. So to make TreeMap work like Sorted order, it implements SortedMap ( e.g, Binary Search Tree - BST, balanced BST like AVL and R-B Tree , even Ternary Search Tree - mostly used for iterative searches in ordered way ).

public class TreeMap<K,V>
extends AbstractMap<K,V>
implements SortedMap<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable

在坚果壳 HashMap:给出O(1)的数据,没有排序

TreeMap:给出O(log N),以2为底的数据。使用有序键

LinkedHashMap:是具有链表(想想索引- skiplist)功能的哈希表,以插入树的方式存储数据。最适合实现LRU(最近最少使用)。

虽然这里有很多很好的答案,但我想给出我自己的表,描述与Java 11绑定的各种Map实现。


HashMap is the general-purpose Map commonly used when you have no special needs. LinkedHashMap extends HashMap, adding this behavior: Maintains an order, the order in which the entries were originally added. Altering the value for key-value entry does not alter its place in the order. TreeMap too maintains an order, but uses either (a) the “natural” order, meaning the value of the compareTo method on the key objects defined on the Comparable interface, or (b) invokes a Comparator implementation you provide. TreeMap implements both the SortedMap interface, and its successor, the NavigableMap interface. NULLs: TreeMap does not allow a NULL as the key, while HashMap & LinkedHashMap do. All three allow NULL as the value. HashTable is legacy, from Java 1. Supplanted by the ConcurrentHashMap class. Quoting the Javadoc: ConcurrentHashMap obeys the same functional specification as Hashtable, and includes versions of methods corresponding to each method of Hashtable.


HashMap - Most useful when looking for a best-performance (fast) implementation. TreeMap (SortedMap interface) - Most useful when I'm concerned with being able to sort or iterate over the keys in a particular order that I define. LinkedHashMap - Combines advantages of guaranteed ordering from TreeMap without the increased cost of maintaining the TreeMap. (It is almost as fast as the HashMap). In particular, the LinkedHashMap also provides a great starting point for creating a Cache object by overriding the removeEldestEntry() method. This lets you create a Cache object that can expire data using some criteria that you define.


HashMap绝对不保证迭代顺序。当添加新元素时,它甚至可以(也将会)完全改变。 TreeMap将根据键的compareTo()方法(或外部提供的Comparator)的“自然顺序”进行迭代。此外,它实现了SortedMap接口,该接口包含依赖于此排序顺序的方法。 LinkedHashMap将按照条目放入映射的顺序进行迭代

“哈希表”是基于哈希的映射的通用名称。在Java API的上下文中, Hashtable是Java 1.1时代的一个过时的类,在集合框架存在之前。它不应该再使用了,因为它的API中充满了重复功能的过时方法,而且它的方法是同步的(这会降低性能,而且通常是无用的)。使用ConcurrentHashMap而不是Hashtable。