

As usual, Gnuplot is a fantastic tool for plotting sweet looking graphs and it can be made to perform all sorts of calculations. However, it is intended to plot data rather than to serve as a calculator and it is often easier to use an external programme (e.g. Octave) to do the more "complicated" calculations, save this data in a file, then use Gnuplot to produce the graph. For the above problem, check out the "hist" function is Octave using [freq,bins]=hist(data), then plot this in Gnuplot using

set style histogram rowstacked gap 0
set style fill solid 0.5 border lt -1
plot "./data.dat" smooth freq with boxes





bin(x,width,n)=x<=n*width? width*(n-1) + 0.5*binwidth:bin(x,width,n+1)
binwidth = 0.05
set boxwidth binwidth
plot "data.dat" u (bin($1,binwidth,1)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes

这个递归方法适用于x >=0;我们可以用更多的条件语句来概括它,从而得到更一般的结果。



plot 'datafile' using (bin($1,binwidth)):(1.0) smooth freq with boxes





Bin 0.001 contain data from 0.0005 to 0.0014
Bin 0.002 contain data from 0.0015 to 0.0024


my_bin(x,width)     = width*(floor(x/width+0.5))


rint(x) = (x-int(x)>0.9999)?int(x)+1:int(x)
bin(x,width)        = width*rint(x/width) + width/2.0
binc(x,width)       = width*(int(x/width)+0.5)
mitar_bin(x,width)  = width*floor(x/width) + width/2.0
my_bin(x,width)     = width*(floor(x/width+0.5))

binwidth = 0.001

data_list = "-0.1386 -0.1383 -0.1375 -0.0015 -0.0005 0.0005 0.0015 0.1375 0.1383 0.1386"

my_line = sprintf("%7s  %7s  %7s  %7s  %7s","data","bin()","binc()","mitar()","my_bin()")
print my_line
do for [i in data_list] {
    iN = i + 0
    my_line = sprintf("%+.4f  %+.4f  %+.4f  %+.4f  %+.4f",iN,bin(iN,binwidth),binc(iN,binwidth),mitar_bin(iN,binwidth),my_bin(iN,binwidth))
    print my_line


   data    bin()   binc()  mitar()  my_bin()
-0.1386  -0.1375  -0.1375  -0.1385  -0.1390
-0.1383  -0.1375  -0.1375  -0.1385  -0.1380
-0.1375  -0.1365  -0.1365  -0.1375  -0.1380
-0.0015  -0.0005  -0.0005  -0.0015  -0.0010
-0.0005  +0.0005  +0.0005  -0.0005  +0.0000
+0.0005  +0.0005  +0.0005  +0.0005  +0.0010
+0.0015  +0.0015  +0.0015  +0.0015  +0.0020
+0.1375  +0.1375  +0.1375  +0.1375  +0.1380
+0.1383  +0.1385  +0.1385  +0.1385  +0.1380
+0.1386  +0.1385  +0.1385  +0.1385  +0.1390

As usual, Gnuplot is a fantastic tool for plotting sweet looking graphs and it can be made to perform all sorts of calculations. However, it is intended to plot data rather than to serve as a calculator and it is often easier to use an external programme (e.g. Octave) to do the more "complicated" calculations, save this data in a file, then use Gnuplot to produce the graph. For the above problem, check out the "hist" function is Octave using [freq,bins]=hist(data), then plot this in Gnuplot using

set style histogram rowstacked gap 0
set style fill solid 0.5 border lt -1
plot "./data.dat" smooth freq with boxes

要非常小心:本页上的所有答案都隐含地决定了装箱从哪里开始——如果你喜欢的话,从最左边的箱子的左边边缘开始——而不是由用户决定。如果用户将这些函数中的任何一个与他/她自己决定的数据分箱开始位置相结合(就像在上面链接的博客上所做的那样),上述函数都是不正确的。对于bin 'Min'的任意起始点,正确的函数是:

bin(x) = width*(floor((x-Min)/width)+0.5) + Min

You can see why this is correct sequentially (it helps to draw a few bins and a point somewhere in one of them). Subtract Min from your data point to see how far into the binning range it is. Then divide by binwidth so that you're effectively working in units of 'bins'. Then 'floor' the result to go to the left-hand edge of that bin, add 0.5 to go to the middle of the bin, multiply by the width so that you're no longer working in units of bins but in an absolute scale again, then finally add back on the Min offset you subtracted at the start.


Min = 0.25 # where binning starts
Max = 2.25 # where binning ends
n = 2 # the number of bins
width = (Max-Min)/n # binwidth; evaluates to 1.0
bin(x) = width*(floor((x-Min)/width)+0.5) + Min


这个函数正确地将它映射到左bin的中心(0.75); Born2Smile的答案,bin(x)=width*floor(x/width),错误地将其映射为1; Mas90的答案,bin(x)=width*floor(x/width) + binwidth/2.0,错误地将其映射为1.5。

Born2Smile的答案只有在bin边界出现在(n+0.5)*binwidth (n经过整数)时才正确。Mas90的答案只有在bin边界出现在n*binwidth时才正确。