public class EnumRouteConstraint<T> : IRouteConstraint
    where T : struct
    private static readonly Lazy<HashSet<string>> _enumNames; // <--

    static EnumRouteConstraint()
        if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
            throw new ArgumentException(

        string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(T));
        _enumNames = new Lazy<HashSet<string>>(() => new HashSet<string>
            names.Select(name => name), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase

    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, 
                        string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, 
                        RouteDirection routeDirection)
        bool match = _enumNames.Value.Contains(values[parameterName].ToString());
        return match;

这是错的吗?我假设这实际上有一个静态只读字段为每个可能的枚举routeconstraint <T>,我碰巧实例。



记住泛型的作用最简单的方法如下: 泛型是创建类的“蓝图”,就像类是创建对象的“蓝图”一样。(好吧,这是一种简化。你也可以使用方法泛型。)

From this point of view MyClassRecipe<T> is not a class -- it is a recipe, a blueprint, of what your class would look like. Once you substitute T with something concrete, say int, string, etc., you get a class. It is perfectly legal to have a static member (field, property, method) declared in your newly created class (as in any other class) and no sign of any error here. It would be somewhat suspicious, at first sight, if you declare static MyStaticProperty<T> Property { get; set; } within your class blueprint, but this is legal too. Your property would be parameterized, or templated, as well.





假设您有一组想要序列化的实体类,比如序列化为Xml。您可以使用新的XmlSerializerFactory(). createserializer (typeof(SomeClass))为此创建一个序列化器,但随后必须为每种类型创建一个单独的序列化器。使用泛型,你可以用下面的替换,你可以把它放在实体可以派生的泛型类中:

new XmlSerializerFactory().CreateSerializer(typeof(T))


public class SerializableEntity<T>
    // ReSharper disable once StaticMemberInGenericType
    private static XmlSerializer _typeSpecificSerializer;

    private static XmlSerializer TypeSpecificSerializer
            // Only create an instance the first time. In practice, 
            // that will mean once for each variation of T that is used,
            // as each will cause a new class to be created.
            if ((_typeSpecificSerializer == null))
                _typeSpecificSerializer = 
                    new XmlSerializerFactory().CreateSerializer(typeof(T));

            return _typeSpecificSerializer;

    public virtual string Serialize()
        // .... prepare for serializing...

        // Access _typeSpecificSerializer via the property, 
        // and call the Serialize method, which depends on 
        // the specific type T of "this":
        TypeSpecificSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, this);





// Note that T is MyFirstEntity
public class MyFirstEntity : SerializableEntity<MyFirstEntity>
    public string SomeValue { get; set; }

// Note that T is OtherEntity
public class OtherEntity : SerializableEntity<OtherEntity >
    public int OtherValue { get; set; }

... 让我们使用它们:

var firstInst = new MyFirstEntity{ SomeValue = "Foo" };
var secondInst = new MyFirstEntity{ SomeValue = "Bar" };

var thirdInst = new OtherEntity { OtherValue = 123 };
var fourthInst = new OtherEntity { OtherValue = 456 };

var xmlData1 = firstInst.Serialize();
var xmlData2 = secondInst.Serialize();
var xmlData3 = thirdInst.Serialize();
var xmlData4 = fourthInst.Serialize();






using System;

public class Generic<T>
    // Of course we wouldn't normally have public fields, but...
    public static int Foo;

public class Test
    public static void Main()
        Generic<string>.Foo = 20;
        Generic<object>.Foo = 10;
        Console.WriteLine(Generic<string>.Foo); // 20

如您所见,Generic<string>。Foo是一个不同于Generic<object>的字段。Foo -它们持有不同的值。


记住泛型的作用最简单的方法如下: 泛型是创建类的“蓝图”,就像类是创建对象的“蓝图”一样。(好吧,这是一种简化。你也可以使用方法泛型。)

From this point of view MyClassRecipe<T> is not a class -- it is a recipe, a blueprint, of what your class would look like. Once you substitute T with something concrete, say int, string, etc., you get a class. It is perfectly legal to have a static member (field, property, method) declared in your newly created class (as in any other class) and no sign of any error here. It would be somewhat suspicious, at first sight, if you declare static MyStaticProperty<T> Property { get; set; } within your class blueprint, but this is legal too. Your property would be parameterized, or templated, as well.


来自JetBrains wiki:

In the vast majority of cases, having a static field in a generic type is a sign of an error. The reason for this is that a static field in a generic type will not be shared among instances of different close constructed types. This means that for a generic class C<T> which has a static field X, the values of C<int>.X and C<string>.X have completely different, independent values. In the rare cases when you do need the 'specialized' static fields, feel free to suppress the warning. If you need to have a static field shared between instances with different generic arguments, define a non-generic base class to store your static members, then set your generic type to inherit from this type.