

I think the biggest mistakes that all developers and DBAs do is believing too much on conventions. What I mean by that is that convention are only guide lines that for most cases will work but not necessarily always. I great example is normalization and foreign keys, I know most people wont like this, but normalization can cause complexity and cause loss of performance as well, so if there is no reason to move a phone number to a phones table, don't do it. On the foreign keys, they are great for most cases, but if you are trying to create something that can work by it self when needed the foreign key will be a problem in the future, and also you loose performance. Anyways, as I sad rules and conventions are there to guide, and they should always be though of but not necessarily implemented, analysis of each case is what should always be done.



不了解数据库并发模型以及它如何影响开发。事后添加索引和调整查询很容易。然而,应用程序的设计没有适当考虑热点,资源争用 和正确的操作(假设您刚刚阅读的内容仍然有效!)可能需要在数据库和应用层中进行重大更改,以便稍后纠正。

在修复生产数据库内部的一些问题之前没有进行备份。 在存储过程中的存储对象(如表、视图)上使用DDL命令。 害怕使用存储的proc或害怕在更有效/更合适的地方使用ORM查询。 忽略数据库分析器的使用,它可以准确地告诉您ORM查询最终转换为什么,从而验证逻辑,甚至在不使用ORM时进行调试。

