我有一个字符串,比如Hello world我需要替换索引3处的char。如何通过指定索引替换字符?

var str = "hello world";




"hello world".replace(/(.{3})./, "$1h")
// 'helho world'


假设你想用“Z”替换第k个索引(基于0的索引)。 你可以用正则表达式来做这个。

var re = var re = new RegExp("((.){" + K + "})((.){1})")
str.replace(re, "$1A$`");


const myString = "Hello world";
const index = 3;
const stringBeforeIndex = myString.substring(0, index);
const stringAfterIndex = myString.substring(index + 1);
const replaceChar = "X";
myString = stringBeforeIndex + replaceChar + stringAfterIndex;
console.log("New string - ", myString)


const myString = "Hello world";
let index = 3;
myString =  myString.substring(0, index) + "X" + myString.substring(index + 1);

function dothis() { var x = document.getElementById("x").value; var index = document.getElementById("index").value; var text = document.getElementById("text").value; var length = document.getElementById("length").value; var arr = x.split(""); arr.splice(index, length, text); var result = arr.join(""); document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = result; console.log(result); } dothis(); <input id="x" type="text" value="White Dog" placeholder="Enter Text" /> <input id="index" type="number" min="0"value="6" style="width:50px" placeholder="index" /> <input id="length" type="number" min="0"value="1" style="width:50px" placeholder="length" /> <input id="text" type="text" value="F" placeholder="New character" /> <br> <button id="submit" onclick="dothis()">Run</button> <p id="output"></p>


var x = "White Dog";
var arr = x.split(""); // ["W", "h", "i", "t", "e", " ", "D", "o", "g"]
arr.splice(6, 1, 'F');

  Here 6 is starting index and 1 is no. of array elements to remove and 
  final argument 'F' is the new character to be inserted. 
var result = arr.join(""); // "White Fog"

var str = “hello world”; console.log(str); var arr = [...p]; arr[0] = “H”; p = arr.join(“”); console.log(str);


var strArr = str.split("");

strArr[0] = 'h';

str = strArr.join("");