public class Spurious {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
Condition cond = lock.newCondition();
try {
try {
System.out.println("Spurious wakeup!");
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
System.out.println("Just a regular interrupt.");
} finally {
Just think of it... like any code, thread scheduler may experience temporary blackout due to something abnormal happening in underlying hardware / software. Of course, care should be taken for this to happen as rare as possible, but since there's no such thing as 100% robust software it is reasonable to assume this can happen and take care on the graceful recovery in case if scheduler detects this (eg by observing missing heartbeats).
Now, how could scheduler recover, taking into account that during blackout it could miss some signals intended to notify waiting threads? If scheduler does nothing, mentioned "unlucky" threads will just hang, waiting forever - to avoid this, scheduler would simply send a signal to all the waiting threads.
This makes it necessary to establish a "contract" that waiting thread can be notified without a reason. To be precise, there would be a reason - scheduler blackout - but since thread is designed (for a good reason) to be oblivious to scheduler internal implementation details, this reason is likely better to present as "spurious".
Just think of it... like any code, thread scheduler may experience temporary blackout due to something abnormal happening in underlying hardware / software. Of course, care should be taken for this to happen as rare as possible, but since there's no such thing as 100% robust software it is reasonable to assume this can happen and take care on the graceful recovery in case if scheduler detects this (eg by observing missing heartbeats).
Now, how could scheduler recover, taking into account that during blackout it could miss some signals intended to notify waiting threads? If scheduler does nothing, mentioned "unlucky" threads will just hang, waiting forever - to avoid this, scheduler would simply send a signal to all the waiting threads.
This makes it necessary to establish a "contract" that waiting thread can be notified without a reason. To be precise, there would be a reason - scheduler blackout - but since thread is designed (for a good reason) to be oblivious to scheduler internal implementation details, this reason is likely better to present as "spurious".