
?s == tvi.Header 
?s == tvi.Header.ToString() 

也就是s和tvi。标头包含“Category”,但==返回false, Equals()返回true。





Equals is polymorphic (i.e. it can be overridden, and the implementation used will depend on the execution-time type of the target object), whereas the implementation of == used is determined based on the compile-time types of the objects: // Avoid getting confused by interning object x = new StringBuilder("hello").ToString(); object y = new StringBuilder("hello").ToString(); if (x.Equals(y)) // Yes // The compiler doesn't know to call ==(string, string) so it generates // a reference comparision instead if (x == y) // No string xs = (string) x; string ys = (string) y; // Now *this* will call ==(string, string), comparing values appropriately if (xs == ys) // Yes Equals will throw an exception if you call it on null, == won't string x = null; string y = null; if (x.Equals(y)) // NullReferenceException if (x == y) // Yes


if (object.Equals(x, y)) // Fine even if x or y is null



Equals is polymorphic (i.e. it can be overridden, and the implementation used will depend on the execution-time type of the target object), whereas the implementation of == used is determined based on the compile-time types of the objects: // Avoid getting confused by interning object x = new StringBuilder("hello").ToString(); object y = new StringBuilder("hello").ToString(); if (x.Equals(y)) // Yes // The compiler doesn't know to call ==(string, string) so it generates // a reference comparision instead if (x == y) // No string xs = (string) x; string ys = (string) y; // Now *this* will call ==(string, string), comparing values appropriately if (xs == ys) // Yes Equals will throw an exception if you call it on null, == won't string x = null; string y = null; if (x.Equals(y)) // NullReferenceException if (x == y) // Yes


if (object.Equals(x, y)) // Fine even if x or y is null

对象由OBJECT_ID定义,OBJECT_ID是唯一的。如果A和B是对象 A == B为真,那么它们是相同的对象,它们有相同的数据和方法,但是,这也是成立的:

A.object_id == b.object_id

如果 A = (B)为真,这意味着两个对象处于相同的状态,但这并不意味着A和B完全相同。



这意味着: 如果A, B和C是对象,则:

(1) A == A总是正确的;A. equals (A)总是正确的(反身性)

(2)如果A == B那么B == A;如果A等于(B)那么B等于(A) (simetry)

(3)如果A == B且B == C,则A == C;如果a .等于(B), B.等于(C),则a .等于(C)(静止性)


(A == B) => (A = (B)),但反过来就不对了。

A B =>
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 1

Example of real life: Two Hamburgers of the same type have the same properties: they are objects of the Hamburger class, their properties are exactly the same, but they are different entities. If you buy these two Hamburgers and eat one, the other one won't be eaten. So, the difference between Equals and ==: You have hamburger1 and hamburger2. They are exactly in the same state (the same weight, the same temperature, the same taste), so hamburger1.Equals(hamburger2) is true. But hamburger1 == hamburger2 is false, because if the state of hamburger1 changes, the state of hamburger2 not necessarily change and vice versa.

如果你和一个朋友同时得到一个汉堡,这是你的和他的,那么你必须决定把汉堡分成两部分,因为你gethamburger () == friend. gethamburger()为真,如果这种情况发生:friend. eathamburger(),那么你的汉堡也会被吃掉。


此致敬意 拉约什·阿帕德。


Equals比较值。(即使两个独立的int变量不存在于内存中的同一位置,它们仍然可以包含相同的值。) ReferenceEquals比较引用并返回操作数是否指向内存中的同一对象。


var s1 = new StringBuilder("str");
var s2 = new StringBuilder("str");
StringBuilder sNull = null;

s1.Equals(s2); // True
object.ReferenceEquals(s1, s2); // False
s1 == s2 // True - it calls Equals within operator overload
s1 == sNull // False
object.ReferenceEquals(s1, sNull); // False
s1.Equals(sNull); // Nono!  Explode (Exception)



下面是一个使用double的例子(从Joseph Albahari的注释到c#语言规范的§7.9.2):

double x = double.NaN;
Console.WriteLine (x == x);         // False
Console.WriteLine (x != x);         // True
Console.WriteLine (x.Equals(x));    // True

他接着说,double. equals (double)方法被设计用来正确地处理列表和字典。另一方面,==运算符是按照IEEE 754浮点类型标准设计的。

在确定字符串相等的特定情况下,行业偏好在大多数情况下既不使用==也不使用string. equals (string)。这些方法确定两个字符串是否是相同的字符对字符,这很少是正确的行为。最好使用字符串。Equals(string, StringComparison),它允许您指定特定类型的比较。通过使用正确的比较,您可以避免许多潜在的(很难诊断的)错误。


string one = "Caf\u00e9";        // U+00E9 LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
string two = "Cafe\u0301";       // U+0301 COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
Console.WriteLine(one == two);                                          // False
Console.WriteLine(one.Equals(two));                                     // False
Console.WriteLine(one.Equals(two, StringComparison.InvariantCulture));  // True





public void StringEqualsMethodVsOperator()
    string s1 = new StringBuilder("string").ToString();
    string s2 = new StringBuilder("string").ToString();

    Debug.WriteLine("string a = \"string\";");
    Debug.WriteLine("string b = \"string\";");

    TryAllStringComparisons(s1, s2);

    s1 = null;
    s2 = null;

    Debug.WriteLine(string.Join(string.Empty, Enumerable.Repeat("-", 20)));
    Debug.WriteLine("string a = null;");
    Debug.WriteLine("string b = null;");

    TryAllStringComparisons(s1, s2);
private void TryAllStringComparisons(string s1, string s2)
    Debug.WriteLine("-- string.Equals --");
    Try((a, b) => string.Equals(a, b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => string.Equals((object)a, b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => string.Equals(a, (object)b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => string.Equals((object)a, (object)b), s1, s2);

    Debug.WriteLine("-- object.Equals --");
    Try((a, b) => object.Equals(a, b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => object.Equals((object)a, b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => object.Equals(a, (object)b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => object.Equals((object)a, (object)b), s1, s2);

    Debug.WriteLine("-- a.Equals(b) --");
    Try((a, b) => a.Equals(b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => a.Equals((object)b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => ((object)a).Equals(b), s1, s2);
    Try((a, b) => ((object)a).Equals((object)b), s1, s2);

    Debug.WriteLine("-- a == b --");
    Try((a, b) => a == b, s1, s2);
#pragma warning disable 252
    Try((a, b) => (object)a == b, s1, s2);
#pragma warning restore 252
#pragma warning disable 253
    Try((a, b) => a == (object)b, s1, s2);
#pragma warning restore 253
    Try((a, b) => (object)a == (object)b, s1, s2);
public void Try<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3>> tryFunc, T1 in1, T2 in2)
    T3 out1;

    Try(tryFunc, e => { }, in1, in2, out out1);
public bool Try<T1, T2, T3>(Expression<Func<T1, T2, T3>> tryFunc, Action<Exception> catchFunc, T1 in1, T2 in2, out T3 out1)
    bool success = true;
    out1 = default(T3);

        out1 = tryFunc.Compile()(in1, in2);
        Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", tryFunc.Body.ToString(), out1);
    catch (Exception ex)
        Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1} - {2}", tryFunc.Body.ToString(), ex.GetType().ToString(), ex.Message);
        success = false;

    return success;


string a = "string";
string b = "string";

-- string.Equals --

Equals(a, b): True
Equals(Convert(a), b): True
Equals(a, Convert(b)): True
Equals(Convert(a), Convert(b)): True

-- object.Equals --

Equals(a, b): True
Equals(Convert(a), b): True
Equals(a, Convert(b)): True
Equals(Convert(a), Convert(b)): True

-- a.Equals(b) --

a.Equals(b): True
a.Equals(Convert(b)): True
Convert(a).Equals(b): True
Convert(a).Equals(Convert(b)): True

-- a == b --

(a == b): True
(Convert(a) == b): False
(a == Convert(b)): False
(Convert(a) == Convert(b)): False

string a = null;
string b = null;

-- string.Equals --

Equals(a, b): True
Equals(Convert(a), b): True
Equals(a, Convert(b)): True
Equals(Convert(a), Convert(b)): True

-- object.Equals --

Equals(a, b): True
Equals(Convert(a), b): True
Equals(a, Convert(b)): True
Equals(Convert(a), Convert(b)): True

-- a.Equals(b) --

a.Equals(b): System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
a.Equals(Convert(b)): System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Convert(a).Equals(b): System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Convert(a).Equals(Convert(b)): System.NullReferenceException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

-- a == b --

(a == b): True
(Convert(a) == b): True
(a == Convert(b)): True
(Convert(a) == Convert(b)): True