

如果不允许添加带有超链接的额外列, 另一种方法是使用外部编辑器将您的超链接包含到=hyperlink(" and "),以获得=hyperlink("originalCellContent")


Copy the column of addresses to Notepad++ Keeping ALT-SHIFT pressed, extended your cursor from the top left corner to the bottom left corner, and type =hyperlink(". This adds =hyperlink(" at the beginning of each entry. Open "Replace" menu (Ctrl-H), activate regular expressions (ALT-G), and replace $ (end of line) with "\). This adds a closed quote and a closed parenthesis (which needs to be escaped with \ when regular expressions are activated) at the end of each line. Paste back the data in Excel. In practice, just copy the data and select the first cell of the column where you want the data to end up.


对于使用Excel 2016登陆这里的任何人,您可以简单地突出显示该列,然后单击样式框中Home ribbon上的超链接选项卡。


使用Windows上的Excel 2007,我发现这些步骤最简单;

选择具有非活动url的单元格 复制 粘贴为超链接

这是我发现的一个方法。我在Mac上使用Excel 2011。 如果列B有你想要超链接的文本值,把这个公式放在单元格C1(或D1或其他,只要它是一个空闲列):=HYPERLINK(B1,B1) 这将插入一个超链接,链接文本为位置,链接文本为“友好名称”。如果您有另一列,每个链接都有一个友好的名称,您也可以使用它。 然后,如果不想看到文本列,可以隐藏它。


A1  | B1
101 | http://website.com/folder/101
102 | http://website.com/folder/102
103 | http://website.com/folder/103
104 | http://website.com/folder/104


根据这篇文章:http://excelhints.com/2007/06/12/hyperlink-formula-in-excel/,这个方法也可以在Excel 2007中工作。


在microsoftexcel的“工具”菜单上指向“宏”,然后单击“Visual Basic编辑器”。 在“插入”菜单上,单击“模块”。 将此代码复制并粘贴到模块的代码窗口中。 它会自动命名为HyperAdd。

Sub HyperAdd()

    'Converts each text hyperlink selected into a working hyperlink

    For Each xCell In Selection
        ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=xCell, Address:=xCell.Formula
    Next xCell

End Sub



说明不要选择整个列!只选择单元格,你希望被改变为可点击的链接,否则你将结束在一个永无休止的循环,并必须重新启动Excel! 完成了!

如果不允许添加带有超链接的额外列, 另一种方法是使用外部编辑器将您的超链接包含到=hyperlink(" and "),以获得=hyperlink("originalCellContent")


Copy the column of addresses to Notepad++ Keeping ALT-SHIFT pressed, extended your cursor from the top left corner to the bottom left corner, and type =hyperlink(". This adds =hyperlink(" at the beginning of each entry. Open "Replace" menu (Ctrl-H), activate regular expressions (ALT-G), and replace $ (end of line) with "\). This adds a closed quote and a closed parenthesis (which needs to be escaped with \ when regular expressions are activated) at the end of each line. Paste back the data in Excel. In practice, just copy the data and select the first cell of the column where you want the data to end up.